The werewolf of starcourt

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(Forget about it part 2)

Sunday June 22nd 1986..

They had escaped the upside down last month, Hawkins was still in mild disarray after the "earthquake" but otherwise all was well, or so it seemed, after what had happened between him and Eddie Steve couldn't get it out of his head, perhaps it was the taste of the blood on his lips or simply Eddies lips themselves that drove him up the wall..

But today he wasn't thinking straight, of course now the others knew that he and Eddie were..affected by the bites, but no one knew about that moment they shared, that moment that wouldn't leave Steve's head as he lay here, in his room, the headache had started up again yesterday and now it seemed to be getting worse as the afternoon went on..

Several small taps sounded off of his window, a rather large black bat looked at him earnestly and he nodded, prompting Eddie to throw the window open and return to his natural form frantically shutting the window again.


He winced at the sound of Eddies voice, it was far louder than it should be, of course his senses were now enhanced due to his furry little problem however everything today was worse.

He groaned "what?"

"Do you know what day it is?!"

Steve winces again, becoming more aware of the fact that Eddie doesn't have very flexible volume settings, nonetheless he shook his head

"It's a full moon! We need to get you somewhere safe!"

"What time is sunset?"


"Eddie where am I supposed to go?" He paused for a moment as he looked upon the other boy "it's not like I can control what happens is it? What happens if I hurt someone?!"

"You won't-.."

"You don't know that!, what if it's you?! What if it's Robin! Fucking hell what if it's one of the kids?!"

"You can't hurt us Steve, we're gonna take you to where starcourt used to be okay? There's a lot of fenced off space there where you can roam free"

"You're not listening to me munson. What if it goes wrong?"

"It won't go wrong, I promise"

He only nodded, for who was he to argue when he wouldn't have control of his own mind in a few hours, who was he to protest against natures laws even if they were unjust and oppressive?

"Fine..but if something goes wrong you run, got it?"
"Aye aye captain"

The two set out for starcourt, darkness beginning to come upon them, enveloping each of their senses in a sheet of impending danger, the ruins of starcourt lay dormant of activity before them..

"Inside, quickly"

Eddie could only usher him past the doors and lock the metal gate before Steve's body began to change, like puberty but more furry, and probably more painful ..

His bones began to splinter apart and reform into features that could only be described as canine, horrifying as the transformation was Eddie was fixated on him, he was majoritively human yet his body remained as wolf like as one could imagine.

Eddie could only see him as vulnerable in this state and it hurt to remember him as he once was, admittedly he was glad he got to kiss him every once in a while but he was ashamed to enjoy it for at what cost did he kiss him? One that would never be repayed

The night had weakened Steve, he awoke with few scars, merely from falling he supposed but he sat up none the less, Eddie already awake by his side..

"How was it?" The question burned the back of Steve's throat as he asked it, his dark eyes turning to Eddie as the words fell from his lips

"You were amazing, just like that teen wolf movie that came out last year"

Steve chuckled "you got a reference for everything huh?"

Eddie, helping Steve up, simply responding with a question of his own

"Who knows, maybe the next one will be like something from sixteen candles"

"Don't be a smart one"  Steve replied

Eddie grinned
"Okay I'll be a stupid one"

He rolled his eyes at the fact the metalhead had understood some quote from a cheesy chick flick and leaned up slightly..

"Kiss me? For real this time?.."

"Well, since the pretty boy is asking nicely, I suppose I'd better"

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