Chapter 4: found you!

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Now you must wonder, how does this all link to Harrington? Well when Dustin and his friends found me, Steve was there too. Great way to meet somebody i know.

I hear the door open, i hide in a corner with my pocket knife in hand in case it's someone who's out for blood.
The door swings open, i hear Dustin's voice and also a voice i can't really reconize.

As i see the unknown person approching me, i jump out of my corner and push him against the wall.
Are you serious? It's Steve Harrington. What was he doing here? With dustin? No this is a trap, i can feel it. Dustin screams: "don't hurt him! He's on our side, he's hear to help." Steve nods. I look into his brown eyes. "I swear on my mother!" Dustin says, Steve nods again and says: "yeah dustins mother"

After staring for a while still not trusting him too much, i let go off him.

I sit down, i start explaining everything to them. They look shocked but they believe me somehow? Apprently they have seen shit like this before, like multiple times. That's insane.

Suddenly we hear sirens, they leave and i climb under a cover of something, i think it's a rain cover for the boat i'm sitting in, it's more like a raft but that doesn't really matter here.

the point is that i met Steve Harrington while holding a knife at his troat. Not to many people can say that huh ;)

meeting harrington | Eddie povWhere stories live. Discover now