chapter 10: feels

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it's graduation night, i sat next to Harrington who is driving me home. We pull up to the trailer park, i wanna open the door just as steve stops me.

"Hey Eddie" i turn around, "yeah?" Steve leans over to grab something from the back seat. It's my jacket, i smile. "Here, it was weird seeing you without it for months." I laugh and look up at him. "Keep it." Steve's face turns red, "keep it? What do you mean keep it? it's so not me?" He tries to give it back to me but i grab his hand, "Steve, keep it."

It starts to rain outside, "Stay here untill it stops raining." Says Steve. I nod, there's an akward silence. I take my black hanky out of my backpocket and clean my rings off. "You know, why do you always have this in your back pocket, half of the time it looks like its falling out." I laugh. "Oh steve thats big boy stuff, i'l tell you when you're older."
Steve laughs, "i'm a big boy."

i look up at him, "well i've been trough other dimentions with you, you will be able to handle this" I sit up.

"The color, the placement it all has a meaning." I see Steve looking interested, maybe too interested like he already knows what i'm going to say.
"Mine is black, it stands for bdsm" His face turns red, "mhm, and what about the placement." i look in to his eyes, "well, left back pocket means that you're a top and" Steve looks a bit confused but supportive. "And gay."

He smiles, "i knew it" My mind goes blanck. "You what?" Steve laughs, he knew the whole time. "Well what gave it away?"

He sits up, "the way you stare. Remember that day that we were on the boat?" I nod, "i saw you looking at me while i was undressing eddie. The look you gave me while giving me the flashlight. I saw sparkles in your eyes."

i feel myself turning red, "well in my defense Harrington, i saw you staring at me too." He looked confused at me.
"When i was telling u about Nancy, the way you looked me up and down. I bet you weren't even listening."

he smiles, "well that makes two of us."

i remember that night so well, it never stopped raining that night. So i was stuck in the car with Steve. We talked alot about the upside down, about how we grew closer and that same night we both realized what we felt for eachother.

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