Ch. 1 The Preface

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It is a chaotic morning at the Pines' residence in Piedmont, California, on Friday, June 8, 2012. Footsteps were running around the hallways and bedrooms of the house.

" LULU! I can't find my sweaters," A twelve-year-old female with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes named Mabel Pines cried out while entering a bedroom.

" Mabel! Why do you need sweaters? It's going to be hot in Oregon," A fifteen-year-old female with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes named Talulla Pines was eyeing her luggage, double-checking to ensure she had everything.

" Dad says Gravity Falls sometimes gets cold during the summer, and I want to ensure I am prepared," Mabel speaks. She walks toward her older sister and grabs her right hand.

Talulla turns her gaze to her younger sister. Her chocolate brown eyes blinked when she saw Mabel's small hands tightly grasping her right hand. She lightly rubbed her sister's hands with her sixth finger to calm her.

Talulla was born with a rare congenital disability that granted her an extra finger on both hands. She has always thought that she was born cursed. However, her mentality changed when she learned that she had a twin that died when she was born, making her believe that her extra fingers came from her twin.

" I think Mom put your sweaters in my closet. On the upper shelf," Talulla guides her younger sister to her closet. She lets go of Mabel's hand, opens the upper shelf, and grabs a white bag.

Talulla puts the bag down and opens it, seeing all her sister's sweaters.

" Yay!" Mabel cheered. " Can you help me pack these up in my luggage?" She asked.

" Of course," Talulla nodded. She grabs the white bag, walks out of her bedroom with her younger sister, and walks across the hall to Mabel's room.

" How many sweaters do you want me to put in your luggage?" Talulla asked while putting the white bag down beside her sister's luggage.

" I want them all," Mabel brightly smiled.

" All of them?" Talulla looked at her younger sister in disbelief.

Mabel nodded.

" Alright," Talulla begins to fold all of her sister's sweaters and carefully puts them inside Mabel's luggage.

" Thanks, LuLu!" Mabel hugged her older sister.

" You welcome. Now get dressed since we have to go downstairs for breakfast," Talulla hugs her younger sister.

" Okay!" Mabel lets go of her older sister.

" I'll meet you downstairs," Talulla stands and walks out of the bedroom so Mabel can get dressed. She closed the door behind her and turned, seeing her younger brother, a twelve-year-old male with short messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes named Mason 'Dipper' Pines.

" Hey, Dip!" Talulla greets her younger brother. " You have everything. We are leaving for Gravity Falls today," She reminds Dipper.

" Unlike you and Mabel, I packed all my things last night, so I wouldn't be in a rush," Dipper responded.

" Mabel and I were having a slumber party, Dip," Talulla looks at her younger brother.

" She's twelve, and you are fifteen. Slumber parties are for babies," Dipper looks at his older sister.

" Slumber parties are for everyone, Dip. Why are you always a party pooper?" Talulla chastised.

" I'm not a party pooper!" Dipper retorts. " I have been to plenty of parties," He commented.

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