Chapter 9

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3rd person

Years passed, and the humans holding Selene captive were getting more angry at the fact they couldn't do any tests on her. She was just too violent.

They didn't plan to give up, though.

Finally, tired of being held captive and of the grief for her lost lover, she suddenly had an idea.

She was going to seal herself in ice.

And she managed to do it using her powers. The ice was so cold and thick that no one was able to make a hole in it.

Then, a millennium passed by.

She was still in a slumber, chained and sealed in ice. The humans finally gave up and left her alone, even abandoning their facility as the years passed.

Then, the builders who made Anima city found the old facility underground.

While they explored, they also found Selene sealed in the ice. They immediately went to inform the mayor, Barbara Rose.

They used their equipment and found out that she had been sealed for a millennium.

So, the mayor thought about it and called Shirou over to have a look. Michiru the tanuki accompanied them with the permission from both of them.

The mayor walked with them towards the room they found Selene. "We found this woman sealed on ice and the equipment said the ice is as old as a millennium, not that long after you turned into the Ginrou. Since she's sealed on ice, we can't know if she's a beastman or not, but we think she is, from the way she was chained."

Shirou looked forward, bored and uninterested. He shrugged and replied, "Perhaps, perhaps not. I won't know until I see her."

Michiru looked around as she walked, seeing as this was her first time in an abandoned scientist's facility. "This place is spooky..." She muttered.

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