🖤🥀⛓The Perfect Disguise...⛓🥀🖤

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Madeline's POV

This is story I wanted to share with you readers about.. About how I met the love of my life Espresso!
It was just an ordinary day in the Vanilla Kingdom I was helping GingerBrave with a plan to sneak in the Crimson Castle....

"Wait wait wait, a disguise?" I asked him. "Yeah! One of us will disguise ourselves into an evil cookie and try to figure out what Dark Enchantress Cookie's ultimate plan is."

I paused for a moment then saying-
"Are you sure this is gonna work? I mean it would be suspicious that one of us would 'turn over' to them without reason.""Also I feel like they wouldn't buy it..."

'Especially Espresso... He's way to smart to not figure out it's a Hoax' I thought to myself. "Well if they do buy it or not we will have to try, we can't let Dark Enchantress Cookie destroy our kingdom again..." "So wait... Who's gonna go under cover into the castle?" I asked GingerBrave because I already know he's DEFINITELY not suited to be evil but, who am I to judge here?

"You are Madeline!" he said smirking
"Your long hair, sword, and shield... you'll be perfect as an evil knight or Crimson Kinght I should say."
I was giving him the 'Are you fucking stupid' look... "GingerBrave they would recognize me as soon as they see me walk into their ground, I've been in battle with them a lot you know..."

"Actually I'm just one step ahead of you Madeline, Mont Blanc personally made you a new armor and found some contacts you can put in to hide your eyes! Latte and her friends will be doing your hair and makeup, so your look is gonna be completely changed."

"I think you should head to Latte's house now, everything you'll need is there and after that start heading towards the Crimson Castle, you can do this Madeline... we all believe in you!"
"Thank you GingerBrave, I'll be going now!" We waved each other goodbye and I started walking to Latte's house. I was feeling nervous at first but as soon as Latte opened the door it went away. I forgot how warm and cozy her house was..

"Follow me Maddy! Your armor is in this room here on the left, after you change go to my room so we can do your makeup, I'm so excited!"
"I know you are and, Thank you Latte." I walked into the room and I saw the armor layed out on the bed... It didn't look like much at first, that is until I put it on of course... and Oh Divine..

I look like I was rebaked from the oven again

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I look like I was rebaked from the oven again... I looked so Hot, Mont Blanc really knows her stuff, I looked completely different than before. It was exciting in a way..

"Latte.. Im done putting on the armor!" I walked out of the room going into hers.
"OOOOO LET ME SEE!" She was so excited for this moment, she always wanted to give me a makeover but I always said no-
"God. Fucking. Damn. You look so handsome!" "Here let us put on the makeup."
I sat down in the chair and let Latte do her friends do there magic. After 10 minutes she was done. "Ok just a little more eyeliner... and done! Now look in the mirror!" She said while spraying some cologne on me.

I got up and looked in the mirror, I looked completely different... I look pale and with the contacts I had ruby red eyes. I was speechless, I didn't look like I was blessed from the Divine anymore but... blessed from the Darkness.

"Wow Latte, Thank you so much for your help! Well I'll be going now... if something bad happens while I'm gone, please call me.."
"Don't worry I will, and Goodluck Maddy! TELL ME HOW IT GOES!" She said. I grabbed my sword which had a ruby gem in the center of it instead of sapphire blue, grabbed my shield and walked out of Latte's house waving goodbye.

Then I started walking to the Crimson bad lands which is where the castle is and surprisingly it isn't that far from here. I walked on the path for about 15-20 minutes, it got darker and darker the more deep I walked in... Then finally there it was in all of its glory..

The Crimson Castle

I don't know why but... the evil vibes this place gives me is definitely giving me a red flag that something is wrong... As I was lost in thought I heard someone yelling at me..
"HEY! YOU THERE- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I looked up and saw a cookie with a... cake arm?
The cookie jumped down from the tower and walked towards me then stopped.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? I've never seen YOU around here before... are you new here?" The cookie asked
I cleared my throat and said, "Why yes I am new around here uh... I'm sorry but what is your name?" I asked the cake arm cookie
"My name is Red Velvet Cookie, a cake trainer and a cookie of Darkness." "Who are you..?" He asked again
"Oh me..? Well my name is Madeline Cookie..."
"Crimson Kinght..."
"Oh wow, let me bring you to the castle""I'm sure the others would like to see a new member" He said walking with me to the gates.

'Huh this will be more easier than I thought, now it's time to see what that witch is planning..'

Im sorry if this is short but I hope you enjoyed it, also if you'd like give me some ideas for future chapters!

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