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[Third Person POV]

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[Third Person POV]

It was evening in the Mitsuya household and Seomi Mitsuya was serving dinner to both her little daughters. Though while she was preparing the dishes, her mind was set on something else. Where was her son? He left for school this morning and sometimes, he had 'gatherings' with his gang members but he'd always inform her about it beforehand. And if she remembers correctly, there was no meeting today. So, where the heck was her son?

"Mama, why isn't Nii-chan back yet?", Luna seemed to have the same thoughts as her mother.

Not wanting to worry her little ones she gave an excuse, "He's probably just late from hanging out with his friends, dear."

Now it was the youngest one's turn to ask the questions. "Mama, do you think Nii-chan with come back home hurt again? I don't like seeing Nii-chan hurt...", mumbling the last part, her face was pulled into a pout.

"No, no. I'm sure he's fi-"

Just then, Seomi's phone rang. The caller ID showed the name of her neighbour. What could their neighbour possibly want at this hour? With a plate of food in one hand, she picked up the phone with the other.

"Hello? Mitsuya Seomi speaking."

"A-Ah yes. Hello, Mitsuya-san. Uh, I think you m-might want to check the news."

"The news...?"

Why would her neighbour want her to watch the news so suddenly? Still in her thoughts, she asked her oldest daughter to shift the channel to the one that channelled the news. Reading the 'BREAKING NEWS' sector caused her to drop the glass plate in her hands to the floor, making it shatter.

'BREAKING NEWS: Teenage boy kills himself and female student on being rejected.'

There was a picture of her son's precious face next to the headline that made her head and heart race. When did this happen? What went wrong? That isn't her Takashi, it can't be. Her son was reasonable and down to earth. How did this happened.

"M-Mama....why is N-Nii-chan's face on the TV? D-Did something bad happen to h-him?", it was her younger daughter, Mana who had asked the question while hiccupping, close to tears. On the other hand, her older daughter, now her oldest child already had streams of fat tears rolling down her petit face.

"That's not Nii-chan, right Mama? H-He would never hurt someone....right?", Luna had somehow caught the grasp of what had happened and it tore her into pieces. Her beloved older brother was not capable of injuring someone innocent, let alone killing them....or so she thought.

Seomi's eyes were brimmed with tears that were threatening to fall out, heart almost beating out of her chest. Her neighbour on the phone was long forgotten as she turged to her crying children and wrapped her arms around them in a warm embrace.

"I-It's alright dear, he's in a better place now....Your Nii-chan's fine."

And with that, the tears that blurred her vision escaped her eyes. All three females cried into each other's arms, praying for their beloved Takashi. They were well aware that he had murdered an innocent victim but at the end of the day, he was a core part of their family.

Everyone deserves love, no matter how crazy they might be. They were all human at one point and that's what matters.

𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 !

𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 !

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