Chapter 3

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My Dalek alarm clock went off, freaking me out when I heard "Exterminate! Exterminate!" Being yelled loudly into my ears. I turned him off (I named him Good Dalek, since he looked like the good dalek) and slipped on a pair jeans, a My Chemical Romance T-shirt, and a jacket with long, baggy sleeves. I then ran downstairs and grabbed a hanful of cocoa puffs. I shoved them in my mouth and opened up some cat food and proceeded to feed Riley. I checked my Sherlock watch; it read 7:10. I kissed Riley's head and went out to my black '67 chevy impala.


I walk stiffly to my locker, being careful to avoid eye contact with anyone. I open my locker, it already had some of my books in it. I added a picture of my birth parents on their wedding, and a picture of me and my old friends back in Oregon. I put a mirror up, and when I look in it, I see a blond male standing behind me, wide smiled. I turn around and lare at him, his hair making him look like a mushroom.

"What do you want?" I growl. He looks at me, shocked.

"I'm Armin, and I've never seen you around before, so I'm guessing you're new. I can show you around if you want?" His eyes are sparking with interest.

I turned around and started getting my stuff out. "No thanks," I reply. "I don't need someone to make me stand out even more."

His smile starts to fade. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with me and some of my friends during lunch?"

"No," I say as I close my locker.

"Please? And what's your name?"

I whip around, facing him head on. "I'm Eren and I don't want any fucking friends," I spit out as I walk away. I check my schedule. Mrs. Wills Room 237. I walk through the halls, following the signs until I reach her room. I go inside and ignore her greeting, walking to the back left corner of her classroom, looking out the window. A stray cat is on the sidewalk, running from a bunch of losers.

"Hey!" I yell, completely forgetting that I'm in a classroom. "Leave her alone!"

I pound on the window. The kids stop and turn, looking around. They see me and laugh. I growl and sit back down. The whole class is staring at me, and Armin the Mushroom was right there, sitting next to me. The teacher looks at her paper, then looks at me.

"Mr. Jaeger," she says sternly. "We do not pound on windows."

A blond kid up front laughs. "Guess what the newbie did!" He says in a weird voice. "Yelled out the window!"

The whole class bursts out laughing. I stand up and walk towards him. I put my hands down on his desk and lean in, staring him staight in the eyes.

"At least I saved a cat when you can't even talk right," I growl, spitting on him.

He looks at me, stunned. I spit in his eye then sit back down. Armin stares at me in awe.

"No one stands up to Jean!" He whispers.

"Jean? Sounds like a horse's name. He looks like a horse. He also sounds like one, too." I grin.

"Eren, no," Armin says, worried.

"Mr. Jaeger!" Mrs. Wills exclaims. "Principal's office! Now!"

I smile and look at Armin. "See you in lunch," I whisper, earning a smile.

If You Knew (Ereri/Riren AU)Where stories live. Discover now