Chapter 6

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I honesstly don't know where I'm going with this, so if it sucks, please understand that I'm just bad writing fanfic, but I'm great at reading them


It's been about a week, now. Armin had called yesterday, saying that he got my number from the main office. I ignored the call. He had wanted to know why I wasn't at school. Pfft, like he actually cared. I never left the couch except for the bathroom, to get rid of the pain, and to feed Riley. The other day, Riley jumped up onto the counter and grabbed an apple I had brought with me from Oregon. She had brought it over to me and made sure I ate it, nudging it closer to me until I ate it, her blue eyes staring, watching, full of concern. I was thin, my ribs showing. Bags were starting to show under my eyes, and I couldn't pick Riley up anymore, I was so skinny. I decided to fatten myself up a bit so that I could carry my backpack, deciding I would go to school tomorrow and show Armin that I was alive. I went out shopping, wearingb baggy clothes so that no one could see me. I saw Levi while I was out, but I quick out my hood over my head and turned in another direction, going to get some muffins. I returned home and fed Riley some new cat food, seeing as we had been out. I then took a shower, basking in the warmth of the water. I got dressed into clean clothes, and cleaned the rest of my black clothing, then fell asleep in my bed that night.


I awoke to the same old Dalek that I would always wake up to, then changed and went downstairs. I fed Riley, grabbed an apple, my backpack and my keys, then went outside into my car. I opened the door and climbed in, then drove to school.


I walk into the school, ignoring all the whispers and stares, all the gasps and snickers. I walk to my locker and open it. Someone had gotten the shrimp out while I was gone. Why do I even call him "shrimp," anyways? I guess I should start calling him Levi, instead. Why did I open my locker? I don't need anything in there. I shake my head, my eyes closed, then close the door. I look next to me, and only about three lockers away is Levi. I quickly turn away, but he notices me.

"Still think I'm a shrimp?" He growls right behind me.

I wince and turn around, lowering myh gaze to my feet. "Well, yeah, but I'll stop calling you that..." I reply.

He looks up at me and notices the bags under my eyes, my skinny-ness, me. He sighs. "You're off the hook this time, brat," he says.

I nod and walk off to english. I enter the door and quickly walk to my seat in the back, sitting down quickly, not paying any attention to anyone.


Iturn to look at the blond mushroom sitting next to me. "Hey," I say.

"Where were you?" He asks.

"Out," I reply, not wanting to talk about it.

Armin narrows his eyes, but says nothing. I turn back to the window. Class starts and ends, and the day passes by quickly. Lunch rolls around and I sit with Armin and his friends again. Mikasa gives me a black beanie for some reason, and she introduces me to the others at the table. Sitting next to her is Sasha, and across from her is Connie. Next to him is Jean, and across from him are Ymir, with Krista sitting on her lap. Sasha loves to eat everything, especially bread and potatos. Connie always tries to awkwardly flirt with her, but she never relizes that its flirting instead of talking. Jean tries to hit on Mikasa every singlee second he can, and Ymir and Krista are always making out. I take my phone out of my pocket and put my earbuds in my ear, turning my music on. Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco starts playing, and I close my eyes. I blast the music into my ears. Mikasa tries to talk to me more than once, but I ignore her.

Levi walks into the room, with his stupid gang following him. Shortly after I learned that Edwin was the huge buff guy with the biggest eyebrows I have ever seen, Hanji is the crazy girl with glasses, Petra is the strawberry blonde that always flirts with Levi, Auro is the guy that likes Petra, and Mike was the guy that sniffed everybody.

The next song playing is Nothing Else Matters, I forget who sings it. I listen, quietly mouthing the words along. Someone taps my shoulder, and I open my eyes, looking at who it was. Standing next to me was Petra. I close my eyes again, ignoring her. She taps my shoulder again.

"Don't talk to me while my earbuds are in," I mutter, eyes closed.

Petra pulls my earbuds out, and I hiss, slapping her hand. She yelps, then pulls her hand away.

"What do you want?" I growl.

She looks at me. "What happened to you?"

I get up and leave the cafeteria, stalking towards the bathrooms to see how bad I look. I walk in and lean up against the sinks, staring into the wall mirror. I have a scar going across my right cheek, and deep pockets under my eyes. My hair is all messy, and my ribs were showing. When I stretched, my shirt lifted and you could see cuts all over my stomach, and my sleeves fell, revealing cuts all over my arms. I sighed and closed my eyes, then reopened them. Standing near the doorway was Levi. I quickly turned around, staring straight at him. His grey eyes stared back at my ocean ones, his expression bored.

"Uh.... I was just l-" I say.

He steps in front of the door, then slowly walks toward me. I start to back away. He's not blocking the door any more, and there's a gap between him and the sinks that I can slip through if I'm quick enough. I back into a wall, and he starts closing in. I squat down and run as fast as I can through the gap between Levi and the wall. He tries to punch me, but I shove him hard against the wall and run out to my next class. I hear someone calling my name, but u ignore them.

If You Knew (Ereri/Riren AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang