Chapter 8

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If it says "Eren POV" at the top of one chapter, but not the rest, its still Eren's POV. If it says "Levi POV" at the top of one chapter and not the rest, it's still his POV. If it says its someone's POV, it's their POV until it changes, so don't be confuzzled.


Levi POV

I walk out of the bar. 'He needs help' I think. I try to figure out which car would be his. Hmm blue Toyota? No. Purple Chevy Cruiser? I don't think so. Black impala? Hmm possibly. I walk to my yellow and black sports car and drive home. The whole time I'm driving, I accidentally drive through 3 red lights, almost hit a person, and get pulled over 2 different times by 2 different cops because I was going 20 over the speed limit. I drive into my long driveway, pulling in to the garage. I open the door and walk out, walking into my mansion. My parents, you see, were rich. They didn't always have time for us because they were always off on buisnuess trips. I always babysat my little sister, but she always said that she didn't need any help, that she could survive on her own. She kicked herself out of the house to show me she could survive on her own. A week later, while driving to school, wondering if she'd be there, I found her on the side of the road, begging for food. I picked her up and got her some food before we went to school. That's how stubborn Mikasa is. The little twit.

About an hour after I left, she called me up, saying I needed to pick her up at 131 Scout Road. I went, and I saw her stsnding near the window, drunk Eren trying to get her laid. I knew she liked him, but I was surprised that she was resisting, probably because she didn't want to take advantage of a drunk. I rang the doorbell, and I heard shuffling inside.

Eren opened the door. "Here fo da partih?" He slurred.

I shook my head. "I'm here to pick up my little sister."

Mikasa pops inside the doorway, shoving Eren. He looked hurt, his face all scrunched up. "I was just wondering if we could maybe bring him home. He's really drunk and he has a cat, I think he might accidentally hurt her. I already fed her, so we're all good till the morning, and we can drop him off after he wakes up. Please?" She says a hand to Eren's face as he tries to walk forward.

I sigh. "You have to be the one to look after the little brat," I say.

She jumps up and hugs me. "Thanks!"

She leads Eren to the car and shoves him in backseat. She jumps into shotgun, then we drive off. I see the drunk pull something out of his pocket and then pull something out of the other pocket. I watch him in the reaeview mirror. He has a cigarrette pack and a lighter. A Harry Potter one. I sigh. 'Great. Now I'm inviting a geek into my house.' He fumbles to light the cigarrette, and when he does, he has a hard time putting the pack and lighter back into his pockets. He tries to open the window, and fails miserably. I open the window for him in pity, and he shoves his head out.

"Woo hoo!" He shouts

I sigh. I can't close the window now unless I want to murder the little shit. We reach our house 5 minutes later, and I shut the window. When it closes, it knocks Eren's chin, but he quickly draws back. I turn to Mikasa.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"Uhh Eren. Eren Jaeger," she replies.

I nod and climb out of the car. Mikasa helps Jaeger out and we go inside. Our parents were out, yet again, so we had the house all to ourselves. Mikasa guides Jaeger to her room, and I walk into mine. Mine was big and held a lot of space for everything I wanted. I had paint supplies in one corner, along with easels. I had notebooks in another corner, for both writing and drawing. I had my bed in a corner near the window, and on the opposite corner were my school supplies. Next to my bed was a bass guitar and microphone. I had music there for every song I liked. Next to my easels were books of famous artists and paintings I had bought online. I guess you could call me an artist. A clean-freaked artist. I walked to my closet and opened it, it was next to my notebooks. I grabbed a towel before entering the bathroom. I stripped myself and turned the water on. I was about to walk into the shower when Jaeger burst in, running to the sink. He threw up. Great. It seemed like he was in that state of drunkness where he could control himself and remember everything that happened. I stared straight at him and he turned around. His eyes grew wide and he stared me up and down, taking a seriously long time to look at my junk.

"Ehem," I cough, trying to catch his attention.

He looks up. "I'm sorry I was just why am I here?" He fumbles.

I glare at him. "Ask Mikasa and please get out for both our sakes," I growl.

He nods and runs out. I sigh and step into the shower.

*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/&/*/&/*/*/*/*/*/*/* (ack I fucked up on this one whoops lol)

I step out of the shower and wrap my towel around my waist before walking to my room. I open my closet and grab some frwsh clothes before throwing my dirty ones in a hamper. I dry my hair off and comb it before turning to my unfinished painting. It was of a girl sitting on the bathroom floor, a blade in hand, staring down at her wrists. She had scars coverinhg her arms and blood dripping off the sides from fresh ones. The door was open and her father was walking in on her. I was originally going to have him yelling at her and calling her worthless, but I changed it to him crying, eyes wide, going to hug her. I finished the painting and walked out, leaving the door open. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some pepsi. I walked to the cupboard and grabbed some salt and vinegar chips. I started to walk to my room when something stopped me. There were muddy footprints everywhere. I sighed and got out some cleaning supplies, cleaning off the mud. When I enetered mt room, I saw a figure standing in front of my painting. My breath hitched, I never let anyone see them, all I did was sell them online and have only the buyers see them. I set the chips and pepsi on top of my notebooks and flicked the light on before walking up to the person.

"Why are you in my room?" I ask, still unknown to whom it is.

They turn to me. "Tell me you experienced this," Eren demands, crying.

"I-" I start.

"Tell me you experienced this!" He yells.

I sigh and look down at my feet. "No."

Jaeger punches me in the shoulder. "Then why the hell did you paint this?!" He yells, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Because I lost my best friend and cousin to it."

He stops and stares. "I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I didn't know."

I sigh. "Its fine, no one knows. I know about you, though. Come talk to me if you need help." I step aside and show him the door. He leaves. I shut the door and walk over to the painting.

I stare down at it. I had lied to the brat, I had experienced it. I had suffered from it after my best friend and cousin commited suicide in the same week. I took the painting off the eisel and replaced it with a fresh canvas. I took out a pencil. I drew of a man holding his dead daughter, sitting on the bathroom floor, crying. Her wrists were covered in scars and blood was every where. There was a blade in her limp hand. This was how Michelle's dad (my best friend) had found her after they had moved to Pennsylvania. I sat down on my bed and cried, my head in my hands. I wish she had never died, I wish I had known, I wish I could've helped her, I wish I could just die. A faint knock sounded at my door.

"Levi?" My sister said. "Are you okay?" She walked in and saw me on my bed, then saw my drawing. She gasped and ran to me. She sat down next to me and held onto me. "Hush its okay its all going to be just fine shh."

I looked up at her. She's slightly crying, probably because she knows about my friend and how I used to cut. I see Eren in the doorway, and then he walks off. 'Why am I like this?'

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