Just Relax.....Pt. 1

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*James P.O.V*

I sprayed on my "Curve and Desire" Cologne and put on the jacket to my suit.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror before heading out. I got inside of my 2012 Red Mercedez-Benz and started on my way to La' Camielle (FAKE RESTURUANT).

I got out and started walking inside.


When I saw her walk in I was star struck!

She had on the sexiest gren dress I'd ever seen in my entire life.

She greeted me with a smile and then we hugged


*Karen P.O.V*

Ooooh how that man smells good, almost edible!

I almost didn't let him go until we were inturupted by a greeter telling us our table was ready.

James:-pulls out chair for me- I apreciate you coming out to eat with me -sits down then smoothes out his suit on his pants-

Karen: No problem anything for a friend

James: -smiles sexily-

Waiter: Have you guys decided on a drink selection?

James: Ah, yes I'll have the red wine.

Waiter: And for you m'am?

Karen: I think I'll have the Pinotage'

Waiter: Alright I'll be right back with both of those.


James: You look Beautiful , Karen

Karen: Why, Thank You I do try *smiles*

James: *laughs some* So, how've you been...out of work?

Karen: -hesistates some- I uh.........-tries to smile sweetly- I've been fine thanks.....

James: You don't sound to happy ... how've you and your husband Darnell been?

Karen: How do you know my husbands name? *thinks then smiles*

Karen&James (In sync): Tina

Karen: -starts laughing and smiling-

James: Theres that wonderful smile!

Karen: -smiles- So... why haven't I seen a Mrs.Evans?

Waiter: -sets wine glasses on table- I'll be back in a little to get your order -smiles some-

James: Thank You!.......-sips wine- Oh, uhm actually I was married...but then I divorced

Karen: Ohhh -smiles some- What happened? Shouldn't a fine man like you

be taken already?

James: -laughs- Well uh actually she cheated on me so... I've been single ever since.

Karen: Oh........-smiles some-


*James and Karen are laughing, eating , and a little tipsy but still has rememberance*

Karen: Unreal! -drinks more wine-

James:Aye, it happened -laughs-

Karen: -finishes food- That was delicious.

James: Very! -wipes mouth with napkin- ....I know this is a bit forward but would you want to come over to my place.... JUST as friends no worries -smiles-

Karen: -looks at wristwatch- Yeah...we have alot of time -stands up and grabs green silk pouch-

James: -stands up along with her and leaves $50 tip then walks upto counter and pays bill-

Karen: -waits for him in resturuant lobby......exhales from nervousness-


James: Karen, Are you alright?

Karen: Oh.....Yes I'm fine -smiles fakily but trying to be happy-

James: -smiles to self- You'll be alright -takes her hand- Just Relax.......


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