Don't Start With Me

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* Darnell P.O.V*

I'm soo pissed off at Karen because she came home last night at 3 in the morning! Luckily I went out with Renee' or else I would've went off even more.


Karen: Look Darnell, I don't have time for your non sense this morning. I'm already late for work as it is. (Outfit is on the side)

Darnell: DONT HAVE TIME? Wow... I can't believe your being soo shallow that you don't even have enough time to spend WITH YOUR HUSBAND!


Darnell: I only disrespect you because you don't show me ANY!

Karen: Thats stupid! -tuna back around and finishes putting on makeup-

Darnell: Its knowledge! Women respect your HUSBANDS as it shall be given back onto you!

Karen: Don't you use the Bible against me Darnell! -puts makeup and hair brush in purse and zips it up-

Darnell: ALL I'm saying is that you need to spend more time with me and we SHOULD be just fine!

Karen: ITS NOT LIKE YOUR PUTTING IN ANY EFFORT! Your the man in this relationahip MAYBE you should try it for once!......and starts WITH A JOB!

-Takes purse and work binder and leaves house slamming front door-

Darnell: Damn! -takes out cell phone and texts Renee'-

(R=Renee' ; D= Darnell)

D: Hey baby

R: Oh hi....

D: You wanna hang out later

R: I can't.....

D: Why not?

R:I'm gonna be busy......



D: Oh.....babe I'm sorry

R: Watever! I gotta go.


Darnell: Ugh! -throws phone across the room angrily-


Nobody's P.O.V

When Karen walked into her office building trying to feel better.

Tina: What happened to you last night Miss Thang -gets message notecards-

Karen: Oh honey you KNOW what happened to me last -takes notecards with a smile-

Tina: Ooooh alright now. Make sure you give me back my Dish!

Karen: Oh yeah yeah yeah! Its over my mom's I'll make sure to drop it off at your place later.

Tina: If your not over his (;

Karen: Shhhhhh! You know people is nosey. Look I'll be over there and then I'll have Evelyn come too.

Tina:Alright. -goes back to typing on computer keyboard-

Karen: -walks into her office and sees flowers on her desk-


* Karen P.O.V*

Once I walked into my office I saw this boquet of pink and orange zinnias wrapped in beige wrapping paper. I smiled to myself and picked of the card on my desk that had my name on it.

And it Read:


Last Night was Amazing so I hope you enjoy these flowers that are as beautiful as you!



I smiled and inhaled the graceful smell of the zinnias. Then there was a knock on my office door. My co-worker, Annita (Singer Ciara: CLICK EXTERNAL LINK FOR HER OUTFIT)

Annita: Hi Karen. I have those projections -hands two pieces of paper- I copied the, and then files them into the system computer.

Karen: Oh thanks Annita!

Annita: Your welcome. Oh -gets closer- I won't tell anyone -smiles-

Karen: Thank You -smiles back-

Annita: Anytime. I'll see you at lunch!

Karen: Most Definintley!


Sorry I know its short the one after this will be longer!

xoxo~ Nicole 💋

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