Chapter 3

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I said grabbing the primer on the table
"Close your eyes please"
I said facing Hoshi
Hoshi nodded closing his eyes
I stood still for a couple seconds studying his face and what would fit his face structure best, his bleached eyebrows to match his blonde hair looked great and fit his vibe and wouldn't need much filling in, Hoshi opened one eye and looked at me confused
"Aren't you going to start? What are you doing?"
"Haha yeah I just need to look at your face and features real quick to figure out what will fit you best. It what I do for all new clients" I replied putting my hand out and closing his eyes for him.
He laughed but closed his eyes and sat quietly.
This should be easy
I did a light bb cream for a base since he had great skin and I didn't want to cover it all up, lightly filled In his eyebrows, set some powder on his T zone, and did a bright coral tint on his lips. We were going for a natural but elevated look.
"Alrighty, open your eyes for me please" I said  grabbing my eyeshadow pallet
We're going to make the main focus his eyes, he has stunning eyes that we should bring attention too
I did a light brown base for eyeshadow with a bright pink simmer on top, then did a very small line of black eye liner in his waterline with a small wing on the outside to make his eyes pop. With highlight all around his face.
"Okay"I said standing up straight and admiring my work
"You're all done"
Hoshi turned around and looked in the mirror behind him, he turned around and gave me a thumbs up smiling widely
"I look sexy" he said.
I laughed agreeing with him
"Oh yeah totally"
He stood up turning to Dino who was sitting to my left
"Yo Dino, how do I look?"
He asked
"Like a sexy tiger"
Dino replied cheekily
We all laughed when Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked into the room
"What's so funny?" Jeonghan asked looking at me.
He looked tired but otherwise all cleaned up
I never noticed how beautiful he was I thought staring back at him
"Oh nothing just our Maknae not respecting his elders" Hoshi replied lightly hitting Dinos back.
We all laughed watching Dino lean forward holding his back groaning dramatically while Hoshi yelled at him for being a wimp.
Dilly stepped forward breaking up the fighting men
"You know some of us are trying to work right?" She said pushing Dino up out of her chair.
"Seungcheol, you two are our last so come quickly sit" she said cleaning her makeup brushes with a makeup wipe
I looked at Jeonghan who was still standing in the door way while Seungcheol took a seat in Dilly's chair
Great, I'm stuck with the rude one
"Hello, I'm Monroe Gre-" I started
"Let's just get this over with" Jeonghan said cutting me off before I could finish speaking and sat down in front of me.
I just took a deep breath.
I cant be getting upset at one of my bosses not even 4 hours into my first day.
The blonde man sat in silence with his eyes closed while I primed his face and applied a little moisturizer.
I normally had very shaky hands but for some reason when I was doing makeup they shook less.
Omg I need his skin care routine
Same as Hoshi, I did a very light base of bb cream only doing concealer in spots that needed it so we could keep it as natural as possible.
This man barely needs makeup
I thought setting his forehead with powder. I finished up with a very light pink eyeshadow look, a thin black wing and a pink lip. With highlight all around his face as well for that glow.

"Alright" I said stepping back and looking at  him "open your eyes please" he opened his eyes looking very obviously bored and slightly annoyed

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"Alright" I said stepping back and looking at him "open your eyes please" he opened his eyes looking very obviously bored and slightly annoyed.
I grabbed the eye lash curler on the desk and took a step closer to him when I tripped over an extension cord that had a large ring light plugged into it. Knocking the light and me down, I fell forward catching myself with a hand on Jeonghans thigh. The man who's lap I had just wiped out onto looked obviously shocked and surprised. I whipped my head up fast, our faces barely inches away from each other. I locked eyes with the man who's thigh I was still holding and fallen into. His eyes were fuming, he stood up insanely fast shoving me backwards and stumbling. Luckily I was able to save myself from being further embarrassed and caught myself before falling again.
Just before I was about to start saying some very kind and just loving words to the man that shoved me Dilly ran over and grabbed my hand
"Oh my god are you ok Monroe? You didn't get cut by glass anywhere did you?"
She asked concerned looking me over
I looked around at the floor covered in glass from the light I tripped over
"I'm so sorry" I repeated over and over to everyone in the room "I should've looked where I was going I'm so sorry, I'll clean this all up"
Unfortunately when I tripped and was rudely shoved backwards I twisted my knee that already has many issues from a previous injury. I steadied myself holding Dillys hand raising my left leg off the ground a little. "I'm fine Dilly and I'll clean all this up, will you just pass me my bag right behind you?" Dilly looked at me confused and at my leg I was holding off the ground but still grabbed my bag and handed it to me without question. I quickly sat down and put on a small black brace that had a hole in the middle which helped keep my knee in place from dislocating. "Are you sure you're okay" Dilly asked looking very concerned.
"I'm fine"
I said standing back up. "Really, I just have a messed up knee but I'm used to it and it doesn't hurt, I just need to make sure I don't dislocate it" I said trying to reassure her with a smile.
I looked over to Seungcheol and Jeonghan who were standing close by. "Are you sure you're okay?" Seungcheol asked looking concerned.
"Mhm" I said nodding
"Really I'm fine, and it was my fault anyway. I should've been more careful"
I looked to Jeonghan who was staring at my knee, Seungcheol gave him a small nudge forward with his elbow. The blonde man finally looked at me, "sorry" he muttered quietly.
Sounds very sorry, I thought rolling my eyes at the rude man. I know I fell on him but he could at least apologize sincerely, also he smells like spoiled chocolate milk.
A couple of the other makeup artist left to grab brooms, one of them who was named Madi started sweeping up the glass on the floor and told us to move. I grabbed one of the other brooms and started sweeping with her, "you guys should head out" I said to the others "it'll be easier to clean up without everyone here and the photo shoot starts soon"
"Are you sure you don't need help" Seungcheol asked
"No shes right" Dilly said ushering them out of the room " you're just in the way" Seungcheol thought for a minute before looking at his watch "I'm sorry I would help but you're right, we're gonna be late" he apologized again before heading out the door, I could hear him gathering the other members. Jeonghan, who was still standing in the room looking at me, can this rude dick stop staring at me?
"Look" I said quietly, getting fed up with this guys attitude
"Unless you're gonna clean up or do something like sweep my pile up, can you leave? Frankly Im upset and my knee hurts and to make it worse you're making the room smell like spoiled chocolate milk"
He just looked at me with a slight bored and disgusted look, but he picked up the dust pan and swept up the small pile of glass I had collected on the floor, threw it in the trash and left without a saying anything. I shook my head trying to clear my thought
I cannot figure him out and why won't he just speak ?
I packed up a few pieces of makeup I would need to use to touch up the members in the photo shoot later and headed out the door.

Why is it so hard to end a chapter? I never know what to say

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Why is it so hard to end a chapter?
I never know what to say

Anyway ❤️

Concealing love//Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now