Chapter 5

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Why did I agree to come out tonight?
My head is killing me

I leaned over the table and grabbed another bottle of soju that was next to Minghao, downing it I looked around the table for the new girl. Something about her irked me, she was annoying
Annoyingly beautiful
I didn't like the fact she was become friends with everyone so quickly, she reminded me too much of someone.
She wasn't at the table anymore and neither was Hoshi, a weird flash of jealousy flashed through Jeonghan causing him to almost get up. Stop calm down, why would I even care where she is?
Monroe and Hoshi came back moments later with some ice cream for the whole table, Monroe made Hoshi buy her some and the rest of us as an apology for the wasabi "accident"

After a couple hours Jeonghan was starting to feel a little better with some alcohol in his system. He could hold his liquor extremely well so all he got was a little less uptight and began talking a bit more.
"Hannie" Vernon said coming to sit next to him shoving Joshua out of the way
"Hey, when we get back will you help me write some lyrics tonight?"
I nodded and poured him a glass of soju "sure" I replied "meet in cafeteria around 12 or 1am?"
"Bet" Vernon replied standing back up going to his seat.
Smiling at the cute boy I stood up as well and headed to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door "checking yourself out?" I said to Seungcheol who was fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror
"Shut up" he replied laughing "Seungkwan spilled rice in my hair on accident after trying to throw it at Mingyu"
I just chuckled and joined him at the sink washing my hands
"Hey" Seungcheol said softly standing near the door waiting for me to finish
"Are you okay?" He asked. I turned around giving him a look "why? Of course I am, I'm Jeonghan, I'm always fine" I joked darkly
Seungcheol gave me a look that told me to knock it off "I mean it, you've been different lately. Is it because of Ros-?"
"Stop" I interrupted before he could finish. "I told you I'm fine. Please don't ask again, you're busy enough already, you don't need to worry about me"
"But I do Jeonghan, I worry for all of you"
Seungcheol replied walking closer and giving me a hug
"Do you need to talk? you need to talk about what happened" Seungcheol continued. I just shook my head and continued hugging him grateful for his comfort.
I broke away first "Come on, let's go. The bathroom really isn't the place for a heart to heart" I joked trying to change the subject
Seungcheol chuckled and opened the door "alright but we're gonna keep talking" he said walking out first
No we're not
I followed behind Coups and took a seat back at the table. I noticed Monroe who had been sitting in front of me the whole night was gone
"Hey" I said to Minghao
"Wheres Grey?" I asked pointing to her empty seat. "She felt sick so she went out for some air" Minghao replied before going back to his conversation with DK.
Should've stopped drinking if she couldn't hold her alcohol
I thought looking out the window at the woman sitting on the bench.

I felt my breath catch in my throat.
My chair scrapped loudly across the restaurant floor as I stood up fast knocking over
The members immediately went silent and stood up as well
"Jeonghan, what is wrong?" Joshua asked but I didn't even hear him, all I could focus on the man outside who had just shoved Monroe down on the bench and was grabbing her.
I didn't even realize I had run outside until my body crashed into the man. My mind was whirling, I could only see red as I shouted at the man and punch him hard. All I could think about was how dare this disgusting man touch her, how dare he scare her and use his power and strength to attack her. I told my self I wouldn't assault or psychically hurt anyone ever, but I guess I was tonight.
The only thing that brought me back was a gasp to my right, I looked over and noticed Monroe who seemed to be having a panic attack. Understandably.
I froze for a second, trauma and childhood memories flooding back. I remembered my older sister who had gone through something similar to Monroe, sitting on my bed as I tried to calm her down from a panic attack. Shaking my head I cleared my thoughts as Monroe gasped in front of me
"Hey hey hey" I said crouching in front of her. I grabbed her shoulders hoping this wouldn't make her more uncomfortable
"Look at me" I said
"Take a deep breath with me"
Using the breathing method that I knew helped my sister, I held Monroe as she got her breathing under control. After a few minutes she calmed down but started to cry "Monroe"
"W-what" she said in between sobs
"Monroe, did he hurt you?" I said calmly but furiously.
"No" Monroe said stopping crying and looking me in the eyes "just my wrist and neck. But I'm fine" she said.
Before I could reply someone kneeled down next to me putting a hand on my shoulder, I didn't even notice the others had followed me out. "Monroe" Seungcheol said looking pissed as hell "You are safe now. We will handle everything here. Go home"
He turned to Joshua who was standing next to Wonwoo who was calling the police "Joshua you didn't drink so take Jeonghan and Monroe home please" Joshua just nodded and went back inside the restaurant for his keys
"What no" i said standing up and facing Coups
"I'm not done with this piece of shit" I said pointing to the unconscious man on the floor. "No" Seungcheol replied firmly "as much as I'd love for that to happened you can't. The police are on their way. We will make sure he gets punished but you need to leave."
I just shook my head, I noticed Dilly standing behind Coups. "Get your stuff" I said to the crying woman "you're coming too, she needs you"
She just nodded, letting go of Juns hand she went to sit next to Monroe
Joshua came back out with mine and Monroe's jackets
"Let's go" he said. I'd seen Shua upset before but he looked fuming. I turned around to the women hugging on the bench "Ready?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound confident and neutral, the complete opposite of how I felt.
Dilly stood up first and grabbed Monroe's hand pulling her up into a side hug. I felt my nails digging into my palms as I clench my fist hard trying to calm myself down. "I'm ready" Monroe said in a tiny voice staring back at me. I just nodded tearing my eyes away from Monroe and turned to Coups. "Make sure you give them the CCTV"
"I will" Coups replied giving me a smile
"We'll be home soon"
I nodded following the others back to the car.
Joshua got in the drivers seat while I sat in the front and Monroe and Dilly sat in the back.
We drove the 25 minutes back to the dorms in silence, the air thick with tension and stress.

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