Chapter 7

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I sat waiting around the dark kitchen for a couple minutes after Grey left to make sure she made it upstairs and I wasn't gonna meet her at the elevator or something.
She was a bitch but I liked her for some reason, I liked that she stood up to me and for herself.
I knew I was being a dick to her, but she resembled someone I'd like very much to forget about a little too much.
I didn't want to like her and I didn't want to get into another relationship ever again but something about her made my heart hurt. When she touched my hand to wrap my knuckles I felt a sort of shock or electricity, and I just wanted to hold her cold hands.
It scared me
I told myself I would focus on myself and the group after Rose and the damage she did to us.
I shook my head clearing my thoughts and stood up
I just needed to push her away and make sure I didn't get close or attached to her.
I was about to leave the kitchen when someone else came in and turned the lights on
"Jeonghan, what the hell are you doing in here in the dark?" Hoshi asked looking at me confused.
"Oh hey" I said still a bit caught up in my thoughts
"You okay?"
He asked grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge
"I'm fine"
He grabbed an extra bottle and gave it to me
"You sure? You look like you need to talk"
He said hopping on the counter and gesturing for me to do the same
"I don't know Hosh" I replied sitting next to him
"I'm just tired"
"Of what Jeonghan?"
I paused for a minute before replying
Hoshi put a hand on my thigh and squeezed it giving me a reassuring smile
"You'll always have us Han, if you need anything please just tell us, I want to help you feel better"
Smiling I gave him a hug
I love every member just as if they were my family, I mean they were my family but the older line had a special place. Hoshi always made me feel better no matter what, he knew when to be silly or what situations to be serious in. We didn't used to get along so well, before we debuted we couldn't go more than 5 words without a fight. I always thought he was immature and silly, but now I'm grateful the group had someone like him who has made us all less uptight and appreciate the small things
"Is this because of Grey?" Hoshi asked
I turned giving him a look
"No why?"
Hoshi raised his eyebrows and looked at me knowingly
"I've noticed her resemblance to Rose Jeonghan, how does it make you feel?"
"I- I don't know how it does honestly" I replied.
I didn't. It made me feel weird. It made me feel protective and drawn to the woman since she looked like my ex, but it also made me hate her. I felt disgusted looking at her who so resembled my cheating abusive ex.
Hoshi cleared his throat pulling me from my thought "Monroe isn't her" hoshi said looking me in the eyes
"Monroe is kind and funny, she not like that- " he cleared his throat looking and leaned into my ear "fucking bitch" he whispered
I pushed him away laughing
"Why did you whisper that?" I asked still laughing
"Hey you never know, in our line of job there's always someone listening" he replied laughing with me. Like I said, Hoshi could always make me feel better.
"What are you even doing down here?" I asked after a minute
"I desperately needed water and medicine, I can already feel the hangover" he replied
I nodded smiling
"You need to stop getting so drunk" I said hopping off the counter
I just shook my head and grabbed him some medicine
"Is Coups awake?" I asked handing it to him
He took the medicine and popped it in his mouth
"I think I heard he was watching tv with the others in the second dorm" he said getting down
"Are they still watching?" I said looking down at my watch "it's almost 5am"
Hoshi just shrugged his shoulders
Hm. I didn't feel like going to bed right now
"Wanna go back up?" I asked him
He just have me a thumbs up while chugging his bottle of water

Getting off the elevator upstairs I could hear people talking in the second dorm "guess they're still up" I said grabbing my key card from my back pocket
I opened the door and saw Coups, Seungkwan, Vernon, Mingyu, and Dino sitting on the couch drinking coffee
"Oh hey Jeonghan, Hoshi! What are you guys doing up?" Coups said
I walked in and sat next to him, "nothing really, just couldn't sleep" I replied
"What are you guys doing?"
Hoshi asked?
"We were watching a movie but nobody really wanted to go sleep after it so we decided to watch all of Harry Potter !" Dino replied excitedly
"I texted you both but you didn't respond so I assumed you went to sleep, sorry" Seungkwan explained
"Ah, no it's fine, I was downstairs and didn't have my phone on me" I replied
Hoshi stood up from the couch yawning loudly
"I on the other hand, was sleeping and now I'm going to go back to doing that" he said heading to the door
"Goodnight everyone" he said blowing us a kiss
"Euck" Dino said quietly
"Goodnight Hosh" I replied with the others wishing him a goodnight.
"Are you gonna watch with us?" Mingyu asked looking at me
"I can make you some coffee" he offered
I smiled shaking my head
"Thank you but I feel restless, I think I might go on a run" I replied
"Whatever you do hurry it up, we're wasting movie time" Dino said cheekily earning him a soft snack from Seungkwan
"You sure you don't wanna watch?" Coups asked
I got up "I'm sure, maybe later or tonight if you're still watching" I walked to the door, giving Vernon and high five walking by him
"See ya later" I said heading out the door.
Before the elevator closed the dorm room opened once more, Coups came walking out and hopped on the elevator with me
"What are you doing?" I asked looking at him confused
"Dino wanted ice cream and since I was the only one to have watched the first movie, I was sent to buy it" he replied laughing a bit
I shook my head chuckling
"Can i come with?" I asked
"I was hoping you would" he said getting off the elevator first

Concealing love//Jeonghan FFWhere stories live. Discover now