What happened at night?

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  'So soft and so fluffy' Isabelle thought as she laid on the bed and rested her head on the pillow. Nya had walked her to her room and switched off the lights before leaving.

  Isabelle didn't bother to change, she liked the dress she was putting on. Her shoe sat quietly at the foot of her bed while her body relaxed on the bed. She closed her eyes but sleep was out of reach, it seemed to be far away from Isabelle as she just opened her eyes and stared at the moon through the opened curtain.

She immediately clutch her blanket and pulled it closer to herself as she heard the hooting of the owls. Owls scared Isabelle, she heard stories state that owls could turn their heads 360 degrees. That was a full circle, she had a reason to be scared.

  Soon enough she fell asleep, her steady heart beat rose, her breathing became unsteady. It wasn't a bad dream but, she felt really uncomfortable. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead and they ran down her face rapidly. She felt the hair on their neck and face stood still. She couldn't help but have this uneasy feeling that someone or a being was watching her intensively. Not able to take it anymore, Isabelle opened her eyes and what she saw made her immediately roll to the other side of her bed with her screams stuck in her throat, she lost grip of her bed and fell on the floor.

From the floor she stretched her hands to her bed to grab one of the pillows she was able to reach and dashed out of her room.

"What type of beast was that?" She asked herself finding her voice. Horrified by what she saw, she kept running down the hallway quietly looking for a safe place to spend the night, she wasn't sure if she would sleep in that room ever again.

She came across a wooden door with an intricate design on it, not sparing a  minute, she hastily pulled the knob and slammed it shut when she got in. She could feel the way her heart was hitting her chest in a fast pace. She placed her head on the door trying to catch her breath.

"Izzy? What are you doing here?".

Isabelle heard a familiar voice call her name, she quickly turned knowing who it was.

Jia saw her confused and scared face, looked at her hands and saw her clutching a pillow.

"Jia? I'm scared" She said walking quickly to his bed side , she turned back a couple times to look at the door.

"Scared of what? Sleeping?" Jia asked.

"They were staring at me, two big eyes were staring at me through the window" she whispered.

It didn't take Jia two seconds before he was able to understand what she meant by 'two big eyes'. He chuckled seeing just how pale she had become because she was scared.

"You should've closed your window before going to bed silly. The Gargoyles are on patrol every night. They guard the entire environment. You are lucky they didn't come in because they would've taken you for an intruder and things would've gotten messy"

Isabelle eyes widened when she heard the last part.

Jia smiled, he was amused by her fear. "Don't worry, it wouldn't have killed you, it saw you come in with us so you are safe. You can go back to your room now". Jia said and continued reading the book that was in his hands.

After a while he noticed that the human had turned quiet and was unwilling to move, he looked up.

" Is there glue under your feet?"

"Glue? No" she answered  surprised by the question he asked.

"Then why are you still standing there?" Its not like Jia didn't know the reason why she was still in his room, he knew. He just wanted go hear it from her mouth.

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