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Written for  _d4b1z_ hope you enjoy.

(The interaction between Hawks and Aizawa is not meant to be seen as romantic. But if that's how you want to see it, that's your prerogative I guess.)

Hawks was trained to be a solder. He was trained to follow orders, and represent the hero commission. He was the best of the best... until one day he wasn't...

It started one day when he was about thirteen. He felt some sort of pressure at the base of his skull... like his nerves were almost insisting on movement.

He had been able to stop it at first... but eventually he couldn't anymore.

His head twitched slightly to the side. He hoped that it wasn't too noticeable. He was at an event run by the hero commission. It was supposed to showcase their best upcoming heroes as a way to gain money and support.

Apparently he couldn't be that lucky, because almost immediately after, he was yanked to the side by a member of the commission. An older woman who looked like she hadn't smiled for once in her life.

"What on earth was that?!"

She whisper yelled.

"I don't know..."

"You're going to make our sponsors think that you're crazy! Don't do that again!"

She scolded.

"Yes ma'am."

The woman walked away, but she never took her eyes off him, that much was clear... because anytime he just barely twitched, she would come out of seemingly nowhere to scold him for his disruptive behavior.

Eventually when everything settled down, and people were starting to leave, she grabbed the boy, dragging him towards some other members of the commission.

"He keeps twitching. Do you think there's something wrong with him?"

"We'll have a doctor check him out."

An older man answered.

So that's exactly what happened.

He was taken to a doctor, evaluated, questioned, and eventually diagnosed with some sort of tic disorder. He wasn't informed of which one. The commission didn't want him using it as an excuse.

He was taken to another doctor, whose entire job was to train Keigo to stop.

When it proved impossible to completely stop it, they settled on just stopping it around people. When he was alone was the only time it was permitted.

It seemed to work, and so that's what they did.

A few years later...

Hawks was a hero. People looked up to him. So that's why he was asked to come to UA for a day.

A few heroes had been selected to teach the kids, and of course the hero commission insisted he go. It would be good for publicity.

So he wasn't given much choice.

Normally he wouldn't mind it to much. He got along well with teenagers, being that he was barely older than them.

But after a long day of hero work... being left alone with a classroom of self destructive, feral little shits... wasn't exactly what he wanted to be doing.

There was yelling... so much yelling....

The spiky haired blonde one, and the curly haired one, were arguing. It didn't seem particularly hateful... just some little squabble... but it was still very loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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