Prologue: Im-Perfection Island

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POV: 3rd
                           Upon an oak desk, in the darkest corners of the largest home, on a rather quiet island in the middle of nowhere, lay a diary. It remains untouched, covered in a thin layer of dust, one day it's master will return downstairs to clean it. And after seven days without touch, it appeared tonight was the night. He sat and wrote calmly:

Dear diary,
I have once again worked tirelessly, but alas those disgusting villagers still won't leave. Regardless, I'm sorry I have not spoken to you in so long. I've been busy with construction and decoration of many parts of the island and there was also recently a ceremony in my honor. The terraforming is almost complete the island will be almost perfect soon enough.
John Doe

POV: John
    Upon putting my pen down, I heard a knock at my door. I wonder what member of the town would be visiting me today of all days. I pray that it is at least one of the half decent villagers. Crawling my way up the stairs, I eventually get to the front door just as they were about to leave. Poking my head through the door, I spot my late night visitors, Lily and one other person just out of view.
                          With a smile on my face, I open the door wider adjusting my little sweater, "Hello, Lily." The happy bluish-green pastel frog gave me a small smile back, "Hi there John, can I come in?" Her beautiful large pink cheeks puffed up slightly as she tried to look even more welcoming.
"Oh I didn't think that I was going to have guests over, I suppose you can come inside. Apologies the place is a bit of a mess." I made room to allow the young frog into my home. Still I couldn't help, but notice I still couldn't quite identify the other person she was standing with. But before I could peer closer into the darkness Lily offered me a handshake.
    Oh Lily, I remember when you first joined my island. You were the first ever cute villager on my island, so sweet and round. She looked at me and smiled, "Johnny, I love visiting your house. No matter how you decorate, it always feels welcoming. So don't worry about the mess... Although it seems clean to me."
                         I quietly gestured to the pile of dirty laundry in the corner. Of course it only consisted of rugs and blankets, but still it felt embarrassing. And as I began to stare at my newly lit room, I noticed that there was dust everywhere.
She gave a laugh, "Well the whole village was planning on throwing a small party and I think you should toadally come. I mean you are our Resident Representative after all. You did such a nice job decorating the town, we thought we'd give you a little thank you. I mean I know we already did a celebration recently, but-"
"All of you?"
She nods her head and I frowned. I did not want to look at those disgusting creatures, they've completely ruined my morning by seeing them walking around. Outside of Lily, the only villagers that I liked were Marshal, Raymond, and Agnes. The rest of the villagers were either meh or straight up disgusting. Speaking of the villagers I liked, I finally could identify the one behind Lily now. I didn't originally notice her because of her pitch black fur and the fact that she's wearing a mostly black outfit. Although I prefer to see her and pink, black was a good color on her, at least when there was a lot of light around.
                         Before I had a chance to say anything to her, she already moved inside, "I was hoping me and Lily could convince you to go out, we're a little worried about you. You don't really hang out with most of the town. You work sow hard. Sow why not have a little fun once in a while and relax, Piglet!" I looked her into her sharp eyes, she was one of the few pig villagers that was actually appealing that I had met. Clean, strong, and well she's always been very sisterly to me.
                        "I know I know I just I'm really tired. I promise I'll hang out with you both tomorrow."
                         Lily spoke up, "Well we were hoping you would come because the truth is I heard a rumor that one of us is planning on leaving tomorrow..." I try to hold back a smile imagining that it was one of my least favorite villagers, "It's not one of you two is it?"
                          "No, it's Apple. She says, she's going to try her luck on a different island." Apple had been a pretty neutral villager in my eyes, not particularly cute, but not particularly ugly. I forced myself to make a frown, "I wish you two had told me.I could've maybe not worked so hard earlier today because now I'm exhausted. I'll make sure I'll say goodbye to her tomorrow, good night guys." I gave my best smile and after a little bit of back-and-forth, they eventually leave.
                          The next morning, I kept my promise and gave Apple a goodbye. After watching that she packed up her stuff, I even offered to help a little bit by moving some of it over to the airport. By the time she was fully gone, it was mid afternoon. When I return back into the main part of the village, Isabelle was waiting for me.
                            The little yellow dog seemed a little unusual today, but still her professional self, "Hello, John. This is very embarrassing, but I was sent here because there was a complaint posted by some of your neighbors. Apparently two days ago, you followed Graham home. He claims that you were waiting for him to go into his home to put up really mean signs. That doesn't sound like something you would do so what do you think happened?"
                            With a small smile, I simply said, "No idea."

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