pearl and leather

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Graphite black stilettos followed by long legs alight on the gritty asphalt. A slim figure dressed in a pearlescent white bends her head as she exits a limousine. She clasps her carefully manicured hands together and regards her surroundings as the driver of the limousine wrestles with her luggage. He scrambles to her side and places a large suitcase weighing about as much as a baby elephant on the ground next to her.
Her presence draws curious glances from passers by, who are unsure if they should recognise her or not. If she isn't some sort of celebrity, why would she arrive at an airport in a limousine?

She carries herself with swanlike grace, but a ferocity simmers behind her charming smile.
Her driver wipes his slippery hands on his pants and steps forward timidly. 
"Got everything, Miss Hunt?"
Am icy blue gaze coldly assesses the driver. Eyes darting from his crumpled black suit to the sheen of sweat on his upper lip.
She sweeps her silken hair onto her back, the delicate scent of her shampoo spellbinding those walking close enough as she ops open the clasp to an expensive purse. A rather impractical thing to bring to an airport but a stylish accessory to remind people she lives a life of luxury.
She retrieves her boarding pass and passport.
"I believe I do, Hugo."

She had insisted that the photo on her passport was absolutely flawless so that she looked fabulous next to her name.
Sophie Hunt.

"Fantastic," Hugo breathes.
He doesn't fancy ferrying her back to the mansion.
How tedious.
"Have a wonderful flight, Miss Hunt. I'll be here for your return."
Sophie nods curtly.
"Tell Daddy to transfer me some spending money or he'll forget. You know how busy he is."
"Yes, Miss Hunt. I'll be sure to."

Sophie takes a prim step backward, curve hugging dress limiting her stride length to a half step maximum.
"Don't miss me too much," She remarks, turning her back on the driver.
Hugo assures her that he wouldn't. Under his breath, of course.
But she already knows how much he hates being her chauffeur. She just rather enjoys throwing it back in his face.
She takes ahold of her suitcase gingerly and sets off, chin set proudly as her luggage rolls behind her.

Hugo's watchful gaze follows until she disappears into the mess of people inside. Then he casts his  charade away. His ashen expression lifts a little at the sight of her going.
He grunts a "well, fuck you" and loosens his tie, traipsing back to the limousine. He can hardly hide his joy, cheeks flushing apple red.
He can finally go home to his fiancée, Christine and embrace her knowing Sophie won't be an issue for a little while. Christine is the opposite of Sophie. Kind, warm, open, generous. Sophie is a complete pain. Always merciless, guarded and calculatedly detached.
He'd never seen a genuine smile out of the girl.

Hugo clambers into the back of the limo, popping open a bottle of chilled champagne. He could guzzle it all down now, if he pleased.
But he realised he won't be able to drive back if he does.
"Goddamn it," he groans, climbing back into the front seat. He curses Sophie's name, even though it isn't her fault. But it's far easier than blaming himself, and much more fun.

After Sophie has discarded her monstrosity of a suitcase at the baggage drop, she continues to security, walking with confidence because she sees the double takes most people do as she passes. And the more they look, the wider she smiles.
She craves adoration. She'd always wanted to be the next Marilyn Monroe, so she behaved as a Hollywood star might. She gained the ability to stun anybody she wanted and manipulate them if she really wants, to do anything she desires.
Without a mother to shower her with love, Sophie began seeking out attention any place she could at a young age. Whether if he cutting a little girls plait off in primary school, or parading around in a new dress, she always found attention.
Her father rarely gave her much, since he was always busy fending off women trying to become Sophie's mother. He was the rich bachelor, the single father, and always busy working.
At eight years old, Sophie noticed the way the women would climb over each other to get to him, who was 24 at the time. She wanted to be like him.
Able to dismiss important people with the wave of his hand, to own more things than she ever needs.
So, the young girl observed and imitated. And oh, how ruthless a young woman she became.
Men scrabble at each other, to be the first to offer themselves at her feet. Some others want to sweep her away into summer romances, marriage, family.
There is no in between. 
But, those lucky few who have dated Sophie quickly found that she was more than a sharp attitude and pretty face. No man could ever handle her intensity and occasion, her cruelty.
After romantic disappointments, Sophie promised herself that she would never fall in love, that she wouldn't settle down. She will be independent for the rest of her life. She will work until she can live comfortably for thousands of years.

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