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"this is so awkward"yui said to herself as she sat between jisu and jaehyun. for starters, jisu and her are in bad terms right now meanwhile in jaehyuns case it was just a complete misunderstanding!

they're inside a restaurant and it's marks treat because he just aced all his exams and he just wants to rub it in people's faces that he's smart and you're not.

mark invited all of his friends, that's six. and then jaehyun and yuis friends. that's eleven (jane hopper<3) in total. yui stole glances to look at donghyuck who is seated in front of her, eating quitely when we all know he's the mood maker.

jisu beside her is busy eyeing jaehyun, and even tried to touch his hands but was blocked by yui. mark was busy talking to jaemin beside him, basically everyone was busy talking to each other.

most of them meeting each other for the first time and they're just shy boys and girls that made yui smile seeing nari being a social butterfly and introduce herself to jisung (even though she hates the boy, he's still adorable).

yui was just eating silently, when jaehyun excused himself to go to the bathroom then jisu beside her also said the same. everyone in the table looked at two with raised eyebrows and questioning looks.

"betting my dessert, they're gonna make out"jisung suddenly blurted making mark let out a sigh and apologize on his behalf meanwhile yui just rolled her eyes and looked at donghyuck again who is also coincidentally looking at her.

they both looked at each other for too long, enough to make the whole table look at them. they broke the contact and continued to just eat like nothing happened. yui saw how mark stood up and also excused himself and went outside, for fresh air he said.

"who goes out of the restaurant to get fresh air? for all i know he's jealous- "jisung was cut off again by jaemin who just nervously laughed and covered the youngers mouth.

"jisung can you shut the fuck up"he gritted his teeth which didn't even made jisung flinch. "'kay whatever"the younger shrugged making jaemin hold his temple.

then nari stood up making everyone look at her. "yui, i have an emergency. my mom need me, if those two, "probably referring to the other two inside the bathroom. "are out just tell them i died"nari laughed and hugged yui for one last time and waved goodbye.

"great... it's just me"yui slumped down her seat making chenle go sit next to her. "hey it's okay, i'm here! i can make your stay? here great"well that made her feel better instantly.

hearing footsteps behind her, yui saw jaehyun with a small smile on his face making yui also smile. "i'm sorry yui, i have to leave you here, "he frowned making yui stand up and shake his shoulders, reassuring him that he shouldn't be sorry. especially to her because this was not her lil party.

"i'll still come by and crash at your place though, "he winked making yui blush and nod. "tell mark congrats"before he left, he's gotta make sure he's gonna give yui something. and its a kiss on the cheeks.

the boys saw it, even jisu saw it. donghyuck saw it happening infront of him, he feels jealousy is building inside of him but he tried not to show it. him and yui were nothing.

most of the boys gave each other looks and looked at donghyuck, then at jisu who looked like she's about to breakdown any moment. jaehyun left with a smile on his face and saw jisu, he stopped before looking back at yui and waved goodbye one last time and really left.

mark also saw it, he doesn't care. really. "oh man he just added fuel to the fire, look at that girl"jisung said making everyone look at jisu. she was red, almost like satan.

yui silently laughed and went back to her seat, she saw jisu taking her things beside her and walked out with angry steps. everyone just looked at her go.

"is she on her period?"jisung asked and made mark face palm. "jisung you are on a time out, "he said before going to the younger and pinch his ear. "you can't just say that! yui is literally here, a girl!"

jisung just rolled his eyes and gave yui a smile before pestering chenle who is busy talking to jeno instead. "yui, what if.... "jisung suddenly said making everyone turn to look at him, even donghyuck who is busy with his phone.

they don't know why jisung is so talkative today, it weirded them out.

"jisung, i swear if you say something weird"

jisung ignored jaemin of course, "what if we go out on a date?"he boldly said making chenle choke on his water. "didn't we have this talk already?"renjun, who has his hands on his hips said making jisung reply with a "i don't remember".

yui just giggled and leaned forward, having her elbow supporting her hand on her chin. "and what will i get out of this if i say yes?"she said making all of them gasp, even jisung who just expected to be rejected already.

"oh, um, i don't know"he shyly said, hiding behind his big ass hands and nervously laughed. "you were so confident in asking me out park jisung, now you're all shy?"yui teased making jisungs ears go red.

"s-shut up!"he stuttered making the girl laugh and sat up straight. "i'll think if something"he said now finally looking at the girl with confidence again.

"i'll go with this date of yours, "yui said making mark look at her with his eyebrows raised. "in one condition, "she smiled cheekily as she handed him her phone.

jisung accepted it, he looked at the screen seeing that it says sincerely apologize to me first, then i'll go on a date with you.

they all huddled up to see the screen only for them to burst out laughing. yui was kinda feeling bad, but he should do it.

"that's what you should do jisungie"chenle said patting the youngers hair, meanwhile donghyuck just looked at the girl with a smile on his face.


hyuck ❌


you're probably wondering
why i'm suddenly texting u

but i just wanna say that,
i hope you can come tomorrow
for my bday party

but it's okay if u don't
wanna go

but i'll be expecting u!
u can bring anyone you'd
like to bring if it makes u
a lil uncomfortable being
alone since mark is prob
gonna be busy

hope i can see u

i'll bounce

you'll be expecting me
to come, i'm not that mean

and i won't bring anyone

just me, myself and i


just a lil freaky filler chap
i know hyucks bday irl is already due but this is in fanfiction 😁 also happy (late ) birthday to my husband wonwoo <33

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