Episode VI- Pride

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Silver bursts in the dark sky when the clouds roared and battled against each other

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Silver bursts in the dark sky when the clouds roared and battled against each other. Their collision brought whips of lightning, which lathers the atmosphere, promising the wrath of heaven. Heavy downpour graces the thirsty land, filling its belly with satisfaction. Where the world quacked and quivered beneath their covers, he stood fierce, like a mountain facing the storm, over the terrace of his regal abode. The drops of heavenly nectar weren't gentle but sharp and punishing as they strike against his naked torso and shoulders. Only in pants, displaying his marvelous figure, he glared at the thundering welkin calmly. The gloomy king dwells in the shadows of lonely castles. A cold statue of mystery with a broken soul, yearning for a touch of yonder to satiate the endless hunger clogging his entrails.

Though he was master of a potent personality, the hollowness of his eyes punctuated a different tale. The empty optics were home to secrets that might shatter the coldest iron with a single revelation. The horrors within high walls of this majestic fort, a cage to bind a beast have left the beholder vulnerable. He wished to become one with the night sky, camouflaging the raging monstrosity inside him with it and giving it the name of stardust.

Staring in nothingness through an empty heart, a stark contrast to his red-rimmed eyes, all his musings stilled when a glimpse of a diamond-faced damsel broke at the back of his mind. It killed him a little more and breathing became a burdensome phenomenon. Unknowingly, a lone tear slipped from his eye. Its saltiness mix with the sweetness of rain. His zeal towards life atrophied long ago, now he only thrived to contain the rage pulsing in his veins.

The cold drops fell like a salve on burning pride and hid the weakness dripping from eyes, creating a misinterpreted illusion. In the end, his unyielding shoulders bowed, his conscience screamed to give up, searching for a soul to rely on. Will the help ever come?

No one can predict Niyati, the inevitable.

Can you rely on it?

Think sometimes!!

But only the Kaal knows...

But only the Kaal knows

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