Episode XLVI- Mystifying Veracity

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 Gauri nodded attentively as Damodaran punctuates the position of the stars

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Gauri nodded attentively as Damodaran punctuates the position of the stars. Vasundhara calmly takes in the words of the Royal priest while biting the inside of her cheek, a method to distract her from the avalanche of sentiments behind her eyes.

"The former king is going through a dangerous phase. An old foe has returned in the face of the bull and is trying its best to bring the tiger down. The evil energy surrounding the palace is getting more powerful with each passing day, spreading moroseness and disdain. The hour is stressful, but the one who stays calm will pass through it. Erratic and irrational decisions might lead to great loss. Be careful with whatever you wish."

Vasundhara rubs her temple in distress. Damodaran wasn't helping much, but putting a stamp on all she already sensed. Seems like they are stuck in the same trajectory, which has further unraveled after Gauri's arrival.

"What should we do to suppress the negativity surrounding us?"

Gauri queried, ready to do anything that might return happiness to the household.

Damodaran thought deeply before turning his attention to Vasundhara.

"The annual worship of family deity- the royal goddess is still not done. Darkness can only be fought with light. The bad karma around you is presenting situations that are delaying the religious event of utmost importance. It is upon you to not let it break your determination in singing the prayers. Remember, the king was married to not miss the great Yajña in front of the Goddess in the first place. The more you stray from your path, the more you drown in the gloom. The currents will only get stronger, you need to find a haven."

The priest's words instill hope in Vasundhara's eyes and suddenly she wanted to smack herself for forgetting the very reason using which she convinced her son to get married.

"Will it bring a good omen?"

Damodaran starts wrapping his Panchang and calendars before shrugging his shoulders.

"I can't tell but it will lessen the effects of what is yet to come. Goddess will present her armor to shield this family. If you call her with devotion, she won't disappoint. She is full of love."

Gauri smiled.

"What is the name of our family deity?"


Gauri visibly shuddered and released a haggard breath.


Her mind revolved around the chilling appearance of the bloodthirsty Goddess who had once destroyed the empires of undefeatable monsters and demons. Of all the Goddesses in the Hindu religion, Kali is one of the scariest.

"Thank you, Damodaran for guiding our family once again." Vasundhara smiled as she watched the old priest hanging his satchel on his shoulder and turning his attention towards the young daughter-in-law, who bows deep to touch his feet.

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