Episode LV~ Escapism

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Watching her breaking apart, while punctuating a heart-wrenching tale, Gauri gets up to console the weeping mother. Vasundhara no longer cared about the spectators. Her story was yet to be told, the only problem was darned emotions that refused to stay caged. The past was so harsh. The smallest memory gave her nightmares. There was a time she was scared of her own shadow and now she has to open up to keep her family safe.

She'd thought she would take all the secrets of darkness to the grave, but that doesn't seem too brilliant now. A slip of minute detail might stand as a question mark in this meddlesome affair.

"It's okay, mother. You don't have to..." Gauri tried to soothe her but Vasundhara wasn't made of wax. Her armour might have chinks which lets the vulnerability slip at times, but it was an armour nonetheless. The darkness of the fort has moulded her into a woman of conviction. As long as she breathes, she will guard what is hers and die nurturing it. Her blood, her house.

"I shouldn't stop now. If I do, it would be unfair to you both. Yagya, whatever I say, listen with an unbiased mind. Do not hate your father and I. We love you the most."

Yagya didn't move as he stared unblinkingly. Gauri nodded at him, hinting to comply and pacify Vasundhara's worries, making him sigh.

"Let me be the judge of that. For now, if you are comfortable, please carry on. I promise to listen open-mindedly. I've grown up now, mother. You don't have to shield me from whatever awaits in the shadows. I can handle it. Nobody said the truth is sweet. Even if one of my family members is corrupted then stay assured, for me they are worth every chaos they bring to the table."

His words instantly calm the surging fear in the Queen Mother and she leans on the sofa. Her head rested back and her eyes glared at the chandelier above them.

"Your Highness, shall I have your luggage shifted back to the rooms or are you planning on leaving soon?" Ambika's voice intervenes in the tense atmosphere and Gauri's lips purses in a thin line. With a demon tailing them, there is no point in skipping town. They would never be safe under its shadow.

"We are not going anywhere, Ambika ji. Have the bags shifted and unpacked, and kindly ask the help to prepare the lunch. We would like to have it in the Queen Mother's room. Thank you." Gauri politely dismissed her before whispering in Vasundhara's ear to discuss the matter in private. Vasundhara nodded and held on to her daughter-in-law as they made their way to the said chambers. Yagya was closely following them.

On the other hand, Ambika didn't like it one bit. She was here to discuss with the older queen, not the young princess. Moreover, what was so important that they had to discuss in the privacy of their room? She was no stranger to the happenings of the past and has lived through it like Vasundhara's shadow. Vasundhara scarcely hid anything from her and considered her greatest confidant. What changed now? Was the Queen Mother going to reveal the darkness obscured by the glory and fame of Ranas? Gritting her teeth at the entire ordeal, Ambika wipes the perspiration accumulating on her wrinkly forehead. Maybe it was the right decision, or the worst choice ever made. Gauri was a sly fox, she would unveil the truth if given the entire puzzle.

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