" Skull Rock "

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Me and Eddie are still on the boat and it's not looking so good for us.

"Darkness,all i see is darkness i don't even know where we are headed" Eddie says smiling through the pain.

"Lets just hope we get somewhere safe,we cant risk bumping into Jason again" i say as i look up at the sky.

"He'll slit our throats if he ever sees us again" Eddie says letting a small chuckle out.

I smile at him and tell him to look at the stars, "The stars are like the light that keeps you going whenever you're lost in the darkness,i think they are a sign of hope" i say still looking up at them,but i feel Eddies eyes on me not on the stars.

"Can the stars be a person?" He says to me staring into my eyes.

"Well...yeah..yeah the stars can be a person" i say bringing my eyes back to him,a small grin on his face.

I am hungry for his lips hungry for his touch hungry for his comfort hungry for him.


"Eddie!" I yell,we've hit something,something hard,we both fall into the water.

Good thing i can swim , i heard myself thinking.

"Eddie?!" I yell again,no answer.

"Eddie!" No answer.


i feel someone grabbing my waist from behind ,i quickly turn around.

"Eddie!" I say relieved he isn't dead.

"You were worried about me?" He says and i feel him smirking even tho my eyes are blurry from the water.

"No i just didn't want anyone to suspect that i killed you" i say with a smile

"Damn" he says laughing as we're walking up to the ground we just hit.

His hands are still on my waist, my brain doesn't shut the fuck up does it.



We kept on walking,my hands glued to y/ns waist,I wonder,if this truce we have going on will end eventually,i hope it doesn't considering that y/n is my star,she is my light.

Y/n you are my light,you are the person that keeps me going.
In my point of view,y/n is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Wait" she says stopping us from going any further.i look at her face but all i see is her wet hair covering its beauty.

"Is that..skull rock?" She says squinting her eyes to try and see if she's hallucinating or not.

"I think it is sweetheart" i say with a smile.

"Oh would you stop with the nicknames" she says with a laugh while we walk.

Her laugh,her smile,her voice

"Why's that?" I reply looking at her while walking,not looking at where we're going just looking at her,taking all her beautiful features in,letting her lead the way.

"Because Eddie i don't have one for you" she says with a small chuckle as we continue walking.

"Oh love,just my name alone is good for me when it comes out of your mouth" i say as my heart starts to take over instead of my brain.

"You're such a flirt you weirdo" she says nudging me gently.

Just for you y/n,just for you.



"We're here" i say as i take a seat under the enormous Rock beside Eddie.

"Isn't this place a super popular make-out spot" Eddie blurts out with a laugh.

"Yeah i think so.." I wasn't really paying attention to what Eddie was saying,i was more focused on Patrick.

What is happening? And why is it happening ,not to mention the people of Hawkins will think that me and Eddie killed Patrick,and we may strike again.

"Hello y/n,earth to y/n" Eddie was waving at me trying to get my attention.

"Oh yeah,what?" I say blinking a bunch of times then looking back at Eddie.

"Are you ok?" He says to me looking at my eyes,his worried eyes surprise me a bit, i know that we made a truce but he made it clear that he is doing this only so we could survive.

So why do i feel this way Eddie? Why are you making this harder than it already is,why cant you just hate me again,why?..

"Hm? Oh yeah yeah totally,just...thinking you know?" I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"You know you do that a lot" he says looking at my fingers.

"Do what?"

"That" he says holding my hands so i stop fidgeting with them.

His hands are warm, and hot.

I feel my face steaming hot,like it was a volcano ready to explode any second now, "Thanks" i say my voice barely falling into a whisper.

"Hey look at me.." i look at him.

Those eyes,those gorgeous brown warm loveable eyes.

"It's going to be ok,we are going to be ok..alright?" He says His words comforting

"Alright..yeah alright" i say my eyes focused on his.


I quickly grab the walky talky "Henderson! Hi,yeah-yeah its us" i say a huge wave of relief hitting me.

"Its not looking so good for you guys" Henderson says rushing through the conversation.

"Yeah we can see that Dustin" Eddie says grabbing the walky talky from me.

"Where are you guys?!"

"Eh..skull rock!" I yell into the walky talky "you know where that is?"

"Yeah yeah lets go" i hear Steve saying

"Hang on we're coming!" Dustin says into the walky talky ending the conversation.

It's looking bad for us,really bad

I bury my face into my hands,fear is taking over me and i cant fight it,Eddie puts his arm around my shoulders reassuring me that it's going to be ok but i hear the hope slowly fading from his voice.

The stars are gone,the lights are gone.
I've lost hope.

Eddie my love.. || Y/n X Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now