" The End "

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Eddie was in the same position,crying,screaming,never wanting to let go of y/n's lifeless body.

"Eddie?" Steve says calling out to Eddie.

He runs up to him with Nancy and Robin,they stop,looking down at their now dead friend.

"I tried..i swear..i tried to save her..i..i tried" Eddie utters,his eyes bloodshot red,his voice cracking.

"No..no!" Nancy yells,burying her head into Steves chest.

"S..she died a hero.." Robin blurts out,her eyes full of tears.

"It should have been me...i should have died,not h..her,not y/n,m..my Darling y/n.." Eddie continues,picking up y/n's body from the ground,walking inside the trailer to get her to a hospital.

"She was something else.." Harrington struggles to get that sentence out.

"She was..was"



To my darling y/n,

Y/n my sweet y/n,it's been 18 days with out you,and it is not very enjoyable,actually it's shit,the world is shit without you,the world is a twisted place without you,doctors say you may not make it,but i have hope,i watch the stars every night for you,your bandanna is still with me,it's safe,i wear it everyday,i come to see you everyday,actually i sometimes sleep in the hospital with you,I've been giving you some guitar lessons,hope you've had some progress,I've also proven our innocence,y/n I've been living with you in this hospital for about 18 days,I've been crying for about 18 days,I've been waiting,and i will continue to wait,i will wait for you,I'll always wait for you y/n.

From pretty boy.
Eddie Munson.

"And thats day 18." I say grabbing the letter and storing it in with the others,i walk over to y/n and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Hope you read these when you wake up love.."

The End

Eddie my love.. || Y/n X Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now