Show No Mersey (Last Part)

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Dougie and Mersey clash as the waves get bigger and bigger, "YOU GOING TO STOP AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE?!" Dougie yelled at Mersey, "OH SHUT UP, YOU DON'T REMEMBER MY FATHER?!" Mersey yelled back, "I'VE KILLED MANY BOUNTY HUNTERS SO YOU GOTTA NAME HIM!" Mersey would kick him and attempt to stab him. Dougie would block it and poke him in the arm but Mersey didn't take it kindly and tried to stab him in the chest, Dougie would parry and kick him. Ripley would grab her gun and try to shoot Mersey but Mersey saw it coming and ducked as he threw his sword at her. Ripley would dodge and take the sword out and try to stab Mersey. Mersey would grab the blade without any affects done to him and he would spin it around trying to throw her into the sea. Auden would jump and catch her as he dragged her away. Mersey would stare down Dougie as they circled each other, "Kiran Crawford... the first man you killed... was my father.. I was only 10 years old... now i'm 41 and ready to kill you and whoever gets in my way..." Dougie's eyes widened as Mersey charged at him with his sword ready to stab him in the chest, Dougie parried and stabbed him in the arm, "GAH WHAT THE HELL!?" Mersey didn't see it coming and used his sword to try to block anything coming to him. Next thing you know, 3 giant whales, 5 times bigger than the regular size, jumped and splashed making the waves go out of control the boat rock like crazy, "GRAB ON SOMETHING" the whole crew grabbed onto something like a rope or the side of the ship to not fall off. Mersey than called the men on his boat to steer towards them and he jumped onto it, "CYA LATER CUNT!" he yelled out as they turned around and left. The red sea disappeared and the waves slowly went back to normal and everyone sighed, "It's... extremely dark... everyone go to bed..." Dougie said as he stood back up slowly but surely, "HOW ARE WE GOING TO GO TO SLEEP AFTER THAT CAPTAIN?!" Ripley yelled out at Dougie, "don't... raise your voice at me" Dougie said in a serious tone. Ripley was intimidated not yet seeing serious Dougie, but it happened. So she and the rest of the crew listened and went to the bottom of the ship. They couldn't sleep though knowing their captain could've been killed, "who... was that guy?.... and who's Kiran? he never told us those stories." Auden said as he sat up and talked to the crew, "No idea Aud... but it sounds serious... we gotta ask Diego about it tomorrow" Tilton replied as he sighed and sat up as well, "I know a little bit about Kiran... just not the new guy" Missy said as she sat up, "Tell us Missy..." Ripley said as she sat up as well, "Well... Kiran is the first villain Dougie and his crew fought... Diego's uncle, John, knew him as well as Diego's mom and god fathers and mothers.... they did end up winning... but at the cost of Dougie's monkey... his monkey died to a bunch of griffin hounds before the battle... so it was built up anger that Dougie had from the battle that just ruined it. Dougie got the finishing blow on Kiran so that's probably why that guy, is after Dougie and no one else." Missy explained, "That makes a lot more sense..." Tilton said as he sighed, "So that's what monkey he was talking about in the note... I thought that was just a story" the rest agreed but Missy. Missy sighed, "no... he told me that monkey was not only his pet... but his comrade... his best friend" Missy said as she laid down. Everyone else still had questions on the new guy but than something popped up, "When we left... we saw the same boat come... the same boat the new guy jumped on before he retreated..." Auden would say before the rest realized, "Diego.... oh no...." Ripley would say even more worried now. Everyone would lay down and it took time for them to fall asleep. But Ripley couldn't sleep at all. Twisting and turning trying to get comfortable but nothing helped. In the morning, Ripley was first up going up on top of the ship to see them in the boat dock of the place Diego was in. She woke up Dougie and whispered, "Captain Dougie.. CAPTAIN DOUGIE!" Dougie finally would jump, "huh? what Ripley...?" he asked as he yawned a took a sip of his beer, "Can I go look for Diego?" Dougie nodded, "yeah.. go ahead" Ripley would jump off the ship and run around. After a while she bumped into Diego as he came out of the store with food, "oh... hey Ripley!" Ripley would grand Diego's arm, "We're going back to the ship!" Diego would pull away, "I-I can't" he said as he looked at Ripley, "why not?" Diego would sigh, "Evelina got stabbed by this dude trying to kill us and she's in the hospital... actually, this food is for her" Ripley would be hurt but wouldn't show, "Well... we'll be at the dock... just... be there tomorrow" Diego nodded and smiled, "Cya Rip!" he said as he walked off back to the hospital, "how are you doing Evie?" he asked as he gave her the food, "better, these stitches are killing me though..." Diego would chuckle, "can you walk at least?" Evelina would nod, "Yeah, I walked a bit while you were gone... I'll be out by tonight, can you stay the night?" Diego nodded, "I gotta leave tomorrow though, the crew needs me" Evie nodded and pulled Diego in for a kiss as he kissed back. She than pulled back and said, "I'll always love you either way" Evie said as she smiled, "Of course you will, who wouldn't love me?" Evie chuckled and sighed, "Kind of suspicious of that one girl on your team though..." she said, "Who, Rip? Nah she's cool. We're just friends. We've known each other longer than ever though, so she'll get a bit overprotective." Evelina nodded as he sat down and held her hand, "I love you Evie.." Diego said. Evelina blushed and stuttered, "I... I love you too Diego..." she said as she laid her head in his shoulder and watched TV on the small television.

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