Time for War (Part 2)

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Mersey and Diego clash their blades as Diego kicks him into the wall, "I will make you SUFFER!" Diego yells out at Mersey. Mersey than rushes at him and tries to cut his arm. Diego blocks with both swords but pulls one away and stabs him in the thigh. Mersey stumbles back and thinks to himself, 'This son of a bitch... I gotta retreat.' Mersey than tries to run to the door but Dougie kicks him back and Diego tries to stab him but Mersey ducks under the blades. Mersey than rolls under Diego's legs and cuts up at Diego's back. Diego falls to the ground and yelps out, "RIPLEY!" Ripley shoots at Mersey but he jumps out the way. Diego slowly gets up and tackles Mersey and tries to stab him in the face with both of his swords. Mersey moves his head out the way both times, getting Diego's swords stuck into the ground. Mersey than rolls away and throws a rock at Diego's back hitting the cut inflicting more damage. Mersey than leg sweeps Dougie out the way of the door and runs to his ship, pulling the anchor up, and sailing away. Diego got up and limped towards Evelina. Auden tried to cover the stab wound to keep her alive and it worked until than, "Evie.. stay with me.." he said kneeling down to her and holding her in his arms, "Di...Diego... it's going... to be okay..." Diego had a tear rolling down his face, "no... no please..." Diego said not wanting her to die, "Just... promise me... you will keep going..." Evelina said with a smile, "I.... will..." he said as he sniffled a bit, "Go... get em... demon" she closed her eyes and died with a smile, "no... no no no... NO!" Diego than started crying into her chest. Dougie sighed and put his hand on his son's shoulder, "losses happen... you just gotta keep that promise Diego... keep it..." Dougie said. Diego looked up at Dougie and nodded. He picked up Evelina and buried her outside of the base. They than went back onto the ship, pulled up the anchor, and sailed off. Diego sat in a chair, looking up at the sunset and thought about everything that happened. Auden walked to Diego and put a chair down next to Diego and sat next to him, "it's... going to be okay bud... just pull through." Diego sighed and looked at Auden, "if... we had just brought her to the mission... this would've never happened... my biggest mistake... was telling her to stay on the ship." Auden looked back at Diego and nodded, "everything... happens for a reason.. okay? you can pull through... I promise" Diego nodded and looked back at the sunset. After a while, everyone went down to go to sleep. Diego had a nightmare about everything that happened that night and Evelina's death replayed over and over again. Diego woke up with a gasp and woke up Ripley with him, "you alright?" Ripley asked looking at Diego. Diego looked at Ripley and nodded and went to lay back down. Ripley got up and laid in front of Diego and sighed, "I know i'm the last person you should be hearing this from... but I know she loved you... and I know if she could choose not to die... she would... but you can't let this stop you from not letting you do what you love..." Ripley smiled at Diego and sat up, "cmon Diego..." Diego sighed and sat up. Ripley hugged him and rubbed his back as Diego started to cry silently, "it's okay... it's okay... let it out..." he continued to cry until they both got tired and laid down and fell asleep. Diego was the first to wake up and walk up the the top of the ship to see Dougie drinking his ass off and half drunk, "H-hEy soN... w-waNt sOme?" he asked before gagging, "WOAH DAD!" he turned Dougie towards the ocean and let him throw up. Diego than turned and saw the 30 empty beer's on the ground, "dad don't tell me..." "wHAt? I wAs thIrstY" Dougie said as he started to laugh. He than started to see the ocean turn red and turned to see 2 ships come up behind them, "I see... whales..." Dougie said as he laughed like a dumbass. Diego than looked and saw the ships, "shit.. SHIT!" he ran to the bottom and woke everyone up, "GUYS! H-HE'S HERE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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