Time for War (Part 1)

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Auden starts to sail towards Mewt Island. They get there in under 2 weeks and went they put the anchor down, Diego quickly jumped out and looked around for Mersey and Evelina. The rest of the crew follow after him and Missy tried to calm Diego down, "Diego, calm down, we will find he-" "You don't understand Missy... if she dies i'll have the pressure on me... and I don't want that to happen" he said as he found a base for the bounty hunters, "everyone... hide..." he said climbing onto a tree, "Missy... you know what to do..." Missy than screamed into a direction, throwing her voice towards that way. The guards than looked towards that way as Diego and Dougie took them out. Diego kicked down the door and everyone jumped down. The bounty hunters than look at the crew jump down from the trees and Dougie and Diego standing there, "ATTACK!" Dougie yelled out as they ran at the army of Bounty Hunters. Ripley shoots a couple of them and Auden kicks some in the face, "Captain Dougie taught me that one... AH!" Auden was being grabbed, "AUDEN, DUCK!" Auden ducks as Ripley shoots the guy right in the face, killing him. Auden and Ripley give each other a high five. Dougie and Diego are quick with their swords and are taking out the bounty hunters that ran towards them. Dougie cuts one of their heads up and Diego stabs the same dude in the back, "Still think i'm worse than you?" Diego asked his dad, "damn right" they continued to cut them down. Missy and Tilton practiced fighting with each other in their alone time so they are pretty good at it. Missy snaps one of their necks and Tilton kicked one of their chest just for Diego to come and stab them in the back. Once they finished they ran into the next room to see Evelina tied up in a chair. She had a rag in her mouth and had a muffled scream but Mersey came in from the dark with a flintlock of his own, "Hello... Pirates... sorry to let you know but... i've changed my mind on the time... and you guys... can have a show..." Diego ran up at Mersey and swings his sword at him but Mersey dodged and kicked him away, "say.. goodbye!" Mersey shot Evelina in the head killing her and Diego watched it all happen. His eyes widened and he gripped his swords, "you... won't... live to see... another... FUCKING DAY!" Diego gets up and runs at Mersey. Mersey tried to dodge but he got cut by Diego's other sword, "AH!" he said as he backed up a bit, "if it's a fight you want... it's a fight you will get!" Mersey threw his gun on the ground and took out his sword, "You will feel the wrath of the demon with the blade..." Mersey had a psychotic look on his face and ran at Diego, "HAAA!" "RAAH!" Diego and Mersey both yelled before clashing their blades.

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