Tenile and Denile

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Evelina was having a nightmare about her parents dying, reliving it again. She than woke up gasping for air as she looked around. Everyone was asleep besides Missy and Ripley. She hears them talking and decides to eavesdrop, "I know he has a girlfriend but... my feelings won't change for him... I love him, Missy" she said obviously talking about Diego, "Aww... Ripley, I know you love him but he's dating Evelina... you can't change his feelings for her." Ripley nods and sighs as she watches the sun rise, "It's just... I know I wouldn't hurt him... I don't know about anyone else... that's why I don't trust anyone he dates." she said sighing. She than looked around sensing someone's presence. Evelina quickly ducks and gets back to the bottom of the ship, "I knew it..." she whispered to herself, "knew what?" Tilton asked as he was leaning on the wall of the ship, "n-nothing" she said as she sat down to read her book, "uh huh..."  Tilton walked to the top of the ship to see Missy and hugged her, "morning sweetheart" he said as he kissed her in the cheek and pulled back, "morning Tilty" she said back and smiled, "Morning Tilton." Ripley said as she walked to a seat and sat down, "Morning Ripley." he said back. At the bottom of the ship, both Auden and Diego woke up at the same time and looked at each other as they laughed and got up. Diego got up to hug Evelina, "morning Evie, how did you sleep?" he asked pulling back, "Could be better." She said as she sighed and went to the top of the ship. Ripley looks at Evelina and sighs. Evelina than walks up to Ripley and slaps her, "stay away... from Diego..." she said with an angry face. Ripley didn't take that kindly as she pushed her away, "the hell was that for?!" Ripley said yelling at her, "I heard what you said!" Evelina says as she tackles Ripley. Diego then comes up and gets Evelina off of Ripley stopping them from fighting. Auden holds Ripley back and Diego holds Evelina back, "what the hell Evie?! what are you doing?!" Diego said, "I heard you this morning Ripley! Talking about how you loved Diego! I heard it all!" Ripley's heart dropped as she looked at Diego, "Is... this true? Rip?" Ripley sighed and looked at the ground, "y-yeah..." Ripley tears up, "But I would never wanna take you from anyone... you... love who you truly love... not who you choose... but I truly love you Diego... I do" Diego sighed and watched Ripley start to cry and go to the bottom of the ship. Diego would sigh and rubs his eyes, "Well that happened..." Dougie said as he finished a beer, "cmon, we're almost at Tenile Island." Dougie said as he steered the ship towards Tenile Island. Auden goes down to Ripley to check on her, "You... alright?" he asked, "no... I hate her... she humiliated me..." Ripley said as she continued to cry and wipe her tears from her face, "it's gonna be alright... cmon... we're going on to Tenile Island" Auden said with a smile. Ripley nodded as the ship landed and they went back up to the top, "Stay here Evelina, this is extremely dangerous..." he said sitting her down, "fine." she said rolling her eyes. They all left but Evelina felt something eerie. She was than grabbed and pulled off the ship as her screams were muffled. The crew were looking around in the forests of Tenile Island searching for the treasure they had the map for, "look... it's there" Dougie said as he stabbed his sword into the X, "shovel...?" Dougie asked as he looked at Auden. Auden gave him the shovel and he dug up the treasure until a group of other pirates came, "SHIT! THERE ARE TOO MANY!" Dougie yelled as they were getting circled by 20 pirates in total, "Rip... this is your moment!" Diego said. Ripley than started shooting and Diego went in with his swords. Dougie than went in as well and started slicing and cutting people in two. But Auden, Missy, and Tilton were trying to dig up the treasure, "DIG FASTER DIP SHIT!" Tilton yelled at Auden, "IM TRYING OKAY? THERE ARE 5 LAYERS OF DIRT, I JUST GOT THROUGH THE-" "JUST FUCKING DIG!" Tilton yelled interrupting Auden. They finally got the treasure up as Diego and Ripley killed the last pirates, "I'm... too old for this..." Dougie said as he gasped for air as he leaned into a tree. Auden and Tilton picked up the treasure chest and walked to the ship as everyone else walked in silence, "if you don't use your god damn muscles and lift, Aud!" Tilton said yelling at Auden. They finally get to the ship but than Diego realized Evelina went missing. He than saw a note that said, "If you want the girl back, meet me at Mewt Island by 3 weeks." Diego ripped up the paper, "head to Mewt Island..." "But Die-" "NOW!" Diego said interrupting Auden. Auden went to the steering wheel and steered the boat in the direction of Mewt Island.

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