Hands Bloodier Than The Sea

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Evelina shakes Diego to wake up, "wake up... it's time to leave" she said. Diego woke up from his nap and yawned, "I'm... ready when you are" he said with a yawn. They both got up and started walking out the hospital to Evelina's house. They got to the door and her dad opens it before they could knock and hugged his daughter, "oh i'm so glad you're okay..." he said as pulled back and brought both of them in as he gave Diego a cold look. Diego and Evelina went upstairs to her room and laid down in her bed, "Why does your dad like me, love?" he asked Evelina as he turned his head towards her, "look at my chest and answer the question" she said rolling her eyes as Diego took that personally, "I tried my best.." he said innocently, "Oh no I was just joking" she said as she kissed him and smiled, "oh... okay... you're great at acting I guess" he said jokingly with a chuckle, "well we gotta go to sleep... okay?" she said as he cuddled with him and slowly dozed up. Before she did she said, "goodnight Diego... I love you..." she said as she snores softly, "I love you too, Evie" he said falling asleep as well. They were awoken by Evie's parents screaming. They run downstairs to see Mersey stab Evelina's dad as her mom was bleeding out on the floor. He took his sword out and looked at the blood on his sword, "Hello.... children..." Diego put Evie behind him as he looked at Mersey, "I don't have my swords... but if I did... you would've been dead..." Mersey had a psychotic look on his face, "This is half of my revenge... this is going to be the other!" he runs at Evelina attempting to stab her through the right side of her chest trying to kill her but Diego kicks him away. Mersey's sword flies in the air and Diego grabs it. He than charges and Mersey but Mersey grabs it by the blade and throws it to the ground, "Let's use our hands... shall we?" Mersey puts his hands up and Diego does the same. Mersey swings at him but Diego dodged and uppercutted him. Mersey stumbled back a bit and punched him in the stomach and kicked his foot. Diego held his foot and Mersey went for a punch. Mersey than tried to punch him once again but Evelina stabbed him in the arm. Evelina than got kicked back by Mersey and Mersey took his sword out and retreated, "GET OUT LEAVE!" he yelled to his men as they all left. Evelina fell to her knees and cried next to her parents' dead bodies. Diego went to her and hugged her as she cried in his arms, "It's going to be okay, listen, come with me and my team and you will be alright..." she nods and stands up as she goes to pack her bags. They walk outside to see their boat row in. She's still crying while they carry her bags and walk to their ship and walk on. Ripley puts down the board to let them on the ship, "I hope she's only here to say goodbye." Ripley said as she pointed at Evelina, "Rip, her parents literally just died. She has nowhere to stay. So I invited her to stay with us for a while... Maybe she can join the team" Ripley didn't like the idea at all but she didn't want to upset Diego, "fine... welcome aboard... but we have a set of rules you gotta follow... come with me" Evelina nodded and walked to the bottom of the ship with Ripley to see the rules. Once they reach the bottom, Ripley looks at Evelina, "Rule one... if you really wanna join the crew, you gotta prove yourself to us, especially his dad. He's the captain" Evelina nodded, "Rule two, there are some different missions we have here than we do at school. Recently we've had this guy we're trying to figure out the name of trying to kill the captain. we also met the Kraken a few times" she continued to nod as she was listening quite well, "Last but not least... you hurt Diego... I kill you" she said giving her a death stare before going back up. Evelina unpacked and sighed as she went back up as well. Everyone was chilling and talking. Missy than noticed Evelina and went to talk to her, "Sorry about your parents... you're welcome to stay for however you need. Also, don't mind Ripley, she doesn't like when he finds someone new because his last grew girlfriends hurt him... like bad" she said, "That makes sense... but you don't gotta worry about me" Evelina said with a slight smile. She than sat down next to Diego and talked to him until night time came around and everyone went to the bottom to go to sleep, "goodnight everyone." Diego said as everyone said it back.

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