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((Please note that: there is angst elements in this, and that this will be a two part story with hunter Luchino.))

It was a starry night, and you were currently in your house waiting for Luchino to return.

Luchino had been researching intensely as of late, so you decided to make dinner for you two.

So now you sat patiently, reading a book as the meal was cooking on low heat close by.

The book was about reptiles, & was one of Luchino's favorites. You could understand why.

It held interesting lizards that you've never seen! You soon found yourself getting lost reading.

You were so invested in the pages, you didn't even realize that Luchino had come home.

He hung up his hat & coat by the door, yawning quietly as he approached the dining room.

Once he saw you deeply invested in one of his books, he grinned and walked behind you.

Luchino then leaned down and hugged your sitting form. "Quite the page turner, right?"

You jumped at his actions, and turned your head around to look at him. "Yeah... it is."

"Welcome home, Luchi. That was quite the scare there." You said with a smile aimed at him.

"Thanksss,I try my best- how're you, love?" He asked, his tongue accidentally dragging the s.

You removed his arms from your waist & stood up. "I'm ok, the reason question is how are you?"

He smiled, using one of his free hands to scratch as his scaling neck. "It's manageable."

You were the only other person aware of his condition, but still continued to love & care for him.

"That's good Luchi. I made steak for you tonight. It's your favorite~" You said cheerfully.

His eyes widened, and so did his grin. "Really? Ah... this is why I love you." Luchino said.

You rolled your eyes at his words, before going into the kitchen to check on the Steak Dianes.

They were doing good, and it would only be a minute or two until they were fully cooked.

"Luchi, help me set the table as thanks, please." You called out, and heard him huff a bit.

"Can't. Already sitting down- my legs are too tired~" He said exasperated at the dinner table.

"Fine then- I am only getting utensils for myself." You replied, grabbing one knife & fork.

Luchino chuckled at this, then looked at his clawed hands. "I already have my utensils anyways."

He didn't hear you reply, and it was a bit upsetting. But, he somewhat understood why.

He... was less human by the day, and evolving into something else. SomeONE else.

You obviously still loved him, but- it was hard for you sometimes to see him change so much.

Once you set the table up for dinner, you quickly went back to retrieve the Steak Dianes.

Once you retrieved them, you returned to the table, setting a plate down in front of him.

His mouth began to water, finding your food intoxicating. "You outdid yourself this time, Dearest!"

You sat down across from him, smiling. "Thanks, Luchi. I think so too." You spoke quietly.

"Shall we dig in?" You said, your voice even quieter then last time. He didn't notice, however.

"Absolutely!" Luchino said before putting a claw to the steak, and slicing a small sliver off.

However, as bit into the sliver, it tasted.. odd. Oddly enough, the meal tasted soulless.

Luchino chewed the meat, not understanding right away what was happening.

Then, a smell of a different food caught his attention, snapping himself back into his reality.

The steak he was eating wasn't from you, and he wasn't home either. It was quite the opposite.

Luchino's heart stopped for a moment once he realized that he had been reliving a memory.

You weren't here- he was at the manor.He had been there for a while now trapped in this nightmare.

Looking back down to the steak he was given,he looked at it in disgust compared to what you made.

He couldn't eat another bite, not after that memory. Luchino pushed the plate away from him.

This caused some of his teammates to look at him confused, but he knew he couldn't explain it.

But, he didn't need to, it seemed- with one of them giving him a brief look of sympathy.

Luchino didn't want sympathy, however- he just wanted you. He wanted out of this place.

No one said anything after Luchino's snap back into reality, and the four sat there quietly.

However, in that silence, Luchino spent the whole time thinking about you, and only you.

What would you say if you found out about the death game he was in? Or his increasing scales?

He was trying to imagine your voice saying something, but his brain was too foggy to do so.

He tapped his claws against the table, recollecting himself. No, he needs to focus.

The sooner he won this game, the sooner he would go home. To you. And, with the prize.

But at this point Luchino felt that the only prize that would be given would be freedom once more.

And, as Luchino's vision began to fade to black, indicating that the match would soon start...

He knew that he'd be willing to take down anyone else to achieve that dirtied yet golden prize.

-End. (1/2)

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