Chapter 5

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Dedicating this chapter to this very person, a great authoress who have penned The Warrior And The God, and is the owner of motivational and positive comments.


The land was bright with the lights of the star and the moon and the scent of the flowers stole the welcoming.

The sound of the running river, beginning from the waterfall was loud and clear. She could see the village on the valley from there, guarded by the mist as her eyes were blurred by the humid nature. An elegant walkway, surrounded by a thin wood led to the housing area.

She exhaled in and corrected the strap of her bag. She headed with memories of the narrow roads and just made sure she was going right by enquiring if she still was in the safe direction.

She was happy no one recognized she was the long lost or long-ran away granddaughter of the Dira Family.

The well respected and honored family of the community with the most educated members who led the heritage and protected the Scarlet Woods far behind the river.

She had a flash of all her memories in the beautiful village by the time she had reached the very entrance that had awaited her for so long.

She slowly rotated the wooden lock and got in to the yard. There was her house that was as old as time but still glittered like new.

The mansion had floral and medicinal plants climbing over it. The windows were open with curtains blocking the inner view and the balcony had added chairs.

Grandmother had been expecting us for long, she knew that.

The stony mansion featured beautiful hand-worked sculptures, exposed beams, low-pitched gable roof and tapered columns on the porch.

In midst of the walk way was a water fountain, and on the side towards the backyard was a well. The house's surrounding was incredibly maintained.

The lawn, the gazebo, the swings tied to the tree, the garden and the river behind the house, all were still the same. It had the scent of the family.

The garden where she do always had her family time while the swings, gazebo and the art room were her place with her brother. The river was for her to calm or relax herself. Yet she never knew what was that mansion in between all these for she could never get the best time there because the members were busy at most times.

She slowly walked up through the steps and rang the bell of the front door. The door was suddenly opened and there stood a girl of her age with wonder in her eyes. She was slim and was dressed in a lavender jumpsuit. "Sri?"

Srishti nodded without recognition clicking in. The girl turned behind and shrieked. "Grandma! It's her."

An aged yet healthy lady in a rose gown rushed towards the door. The plump lady rubbed her hands over the apron and stared at her.

Srishti stood there in silence for some moments until her grandmother examined her in the distance and then rose her chin with a finger. "Have you forgot to smile, girl?"

Srishti threw her arms around her grandmother. This was the warmth she had always yearned for. She was called in while her luggage were taken in by the girl.

Her grandmother took her upstairs. "Wash up and get down for the tea break."

She had a soothing shower and dressed herself in her spring outfit. Her room was kept tidy and way more beautiful. The king sized bed, the floral coverings, the lengthy wardrobe, the panoramic window, the mirror, the kids couch and the little round table only brought her happiness of the days she had lived in there.

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