New beginnings

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It was the same old, same old. Moving to start over and have 'new beginnings' as my mom put it. It didn't matter though. Being 19, almost 20, with no experience as an adult since my mom decided to move us after my junior year. Having to take care of her when she was blasted on whatever new drug she was on. I didn't have time to care about school. She said this year would be different, that I could go to school and graduate. Standing in front of Hawkins High, people stared. Must of never seen a female metal head before. I had decided to wear my cut up Black Sabbath t-shirt and my black jeans that I stole from my moms ex. They were a bit big ,but that's what my belt was for.

Walking in I noticed many staring and whispering as I walked by. I looked down at list the office had given me, hopefully this was the right way cause if not I was screwed. As I walked by some of the lockers, something caught my eye. A battle vest with a dio patch on the back. I forgot that walking and paying attention were probably a good thing to do at the same time when I collided with someone.
"Shit, man! I'm sorry." I tried to apologize.
"You damn freak! Pay attention to where you are going." You looked up to meet the eyes of a blonde boy in a letterman jacket.
I snorted at the comment, "okay I'll bite. Freak? Real original man." Might as well egg it on and get some entertainment from the kid.
"Only freaks like you will openly wear shit like that" pointing to my sabbath t.
"Oh you poor Poor child." I almost couldn't help but laugh as his face began to turn red.
"Who the hell are you calling a child?" He glared at you stepping closer.
"Well considering if I wanted to make you my step son, I could easily steal your pathetic excuse for a daddy or maybe I'll just fuck your mother and make her scream my name ." I smirked as his face went pale in shock. He must of not been use to being talked back to.
"You'll be sorry you opened your mouth, freak!" He screamed at me.
"Names Cherry, doll face." I smirked and winked at him. The bell finally rang and I noticed him quickly walking around me glaring at the group of boys that had gathered around the guy in the battle vest. Realizing now he looked a bit old to be in high school but I brushed it off and took off to class.

Walking in I noticed a boy wearing the same kind of shirt as the battle vest guy. "Ah here she is! Our new student! Would you like to introduce yourself, hunny." The teacher sweetly said as she looked at me from her desk.
"Oh, um, yeah sure." I looked around noticing people smiling at me and some glaring in letterman jackets. 'Must be some of that kids goons' I snickered to myself.
"My name is Layla, Layla Herds. Everyone back home calls me Cherry though, so feel free to call me cherry. I just moved from Montana." I introduced.
"Okay Miss Herds, go ahead and sit next to Dustin." I see the kid in a black and white baseball tee raise his hand. I walked over and took a seat next to the boy with the thinking cap on.
"Hi, I'm Dustin," he stuck his hand out to me.
"Cherry, pleasure." I smiled as he was one of the only ones not staring at me weirdly.
"I know. I saw you tell Jason off this morning. Funniest thing ever in the history." He smiled widely showing his braces.
"Why thank you. Dealing with grown men talking shit to me had helped with the quick comebacks." You now whispered as the lesson started.
"You should meet Eddie. He's kind of the same way." Dustin told you as you two kept your voices down.
"I wouldn't mind that. I haven't exactly had the best impression of the school so I'm willing to give it another shot." I looked up at the teacher who was watching us as we talked in hushed tones.
"Mr. Henderson, I trust you are filling Layla in on what we have learned." She looked at you two.
"Yes, Mrs. Welling.", he smiled up at her, "at lunch come sit at the hellfire table."
"Deal." I smiled. 'Maybe it won't be as bad as you thought it would be Layla" I told myself.

Lunch finally rolled around and I quickly found Dustin.
"Cherry! Over here!" The kid hopped up as i made my way over the the table of boys.
"Henderson, you know this table is for hellfire club members only," The guy in the battle vest stated as you two stared at each other, "but I might be able to make an exception for the girl who did a better job than me at telling off the basketball captain." A smile came across his face.
" Hey battle vest if you need some pointers I'm your gal." I smirked as we held eye contact.
"Battle vest huh?" The one i could only assume was Eddie. He looks like an Eddie.
"I mean you have on one. That's why I ran into jackass earlier." I snorted.
"So you were staring," Eddie smirked and looked over at one of the other guys, " pay up. I called it."
I shook my head as I took a seat next to Dustin and Eddie.
"So why did you move to Hawkins?" The boy next to Dustin asked.
"My mom wanted a 'fresh start'" I used air quotes. "I wasn't able to finish high school back in Montana since she moved me around so much so now I'm here." I shrugged leaving out the small detail of my mom being a drug addict.
"Wait you said you didn't finish high school?" Eddie chimed in with a raised brow.
"Yeah why?" I shot him a look.
"Oh hey calm down there," he put his hands up in surrender, " I only ask cause you look like you are only 16."
"Oh no Im 19. Ill be 20 here in a month or so." I calmed down and pulled out my makeshift lunch I quickly packed this morning.
"Oh Eddie is 21." The guy across from me chimed in.
"Oh ?" It was my turn to raise a brow.
"Yeah yeah. I got held back two years in a row." He looked a bit defeated.
"At least I'm not alone though." I smiled at him.
His smile shined back at me. 'Damn he is kinda cute, maybe a fling would be nice.' I though to myself.
Dustin pulled me from my thoughts realizing that Eddie and I were still staring at each-other. Lunch was filled with all of them asking questions about where I lived, music, and even some about if I liked DND.
"I mean I've never played but it seems cool. Also normally guys don't enjoy when a female joins" I had finished my lunch and with that it was time to finish out the second half of school.

While at my locker, I felt someone poke me in the sides cause me to scream. "You really want to die today mother fuc- oh hey" turning around seeing Eddie.
"Tsk tsk cherry. " he smirked at me.
"In my defense I had no idea it was you." I smiled at him and continued to put my stuff in my locker.
" You want to come see my secret Spot?" Eddie leaned against the lockers with his little metal lunch box in hand.
"Is this your way of getting me alone to murder me? " I laughed audibly finishing up my hat I was doing and closing it, facing him.
"Damn am I that obvious?"
"Eh you're cute so I'll say yes" I played along. Not like I had anywhere to be. My mom was probably passed out drunk somewhere in town.

I followed him through the woods into a small clearing with a picnic table. It was cute. I looked around before settling done on the bench.
"So what's in the lunch box? Cause you didn't eat anything except something small." I smiled at him having a feeling I knew what might be in there.
"Oh Um you noticed?" He chuckled siting across from me.
"Oh yeah. Alcoholic and drug addicted mom? Yeah I noticed." I accidentally let it slip, looking down at the table picking at the peeling paint.
"Oh Jesus. Im sorry." I looked up meeting his eyes.
"Oh hey it's okay! Really!" I awkwardly laughed looking away.
"Well to lighten the mood!" Eddie opened the small Tun lunchbox, " my finest roll!"
He held up a joint, smiling proudly.
"Oh shit!" My eyes must have looked like I was a kid in a candy store based on how Eddie was laughing at me.
"M'lady." He bowed his head handing it to me as I pulled out my lighter.
"What a gentleman, letting the lady go first." I giggled as I lit it and took a hit. I let my eyes close as I took a drag.
"I get you though," his tone softer than before, I opened my eyes handing it back, "the shitty family."
"I think you and I will get along just fine," I couldn't help but smile as I began to feel the effects of the weed.

We talked for what felt like hours in the woods. You name it, we talked about it. I didn't realize it was getting dark till Eddie mentioned something about his uncle heading to work.
"Oh shit. I guess it's a good thing my mom is probably going to a bar right about now." I shrugged and stood up from the table and dusted off my butt.
"You wanna come over?" I blurted out without thinking.
"Sure!" He jumped up gathering his few things and with that we made our way to his van.

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