From Good To Bad

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⚠️TW: mention of suicide⚠️
Eddie and I danced around the bar to the jukebox. He couldn't keep his hands off me. His face buried in the crook of my neck and his hands slid up and down my sides, sending little sparks all through my body. I hummed happily as I played with his hair. It was so peaceful, just being there with him.
"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow." I told him as we rocked back and forth.
"I know sweetheart, but we have to." He mumbled. Eddie pulled his face from my neck and smiled down at me.
"You wanna go back to my place?" There was a small twinkle in his eyes and I knew exactly what he was thinking. I nodded happily and followed him out to his van. We both hopped in and went back to the trailer park.
"I probably should sleep in my own bed since I am out of clean clothes at your place." I sighed not really wanting to go back to my own trailer. I felt safe at Eddie's.
"I mean," he started and pulled up to his trailer, "I could come stay at your trailer."
I thought about it for a moment before nodding.
"You'll have to sneak in and be quiet cause my mom might be drunk but she honestly would be pissed if she found out I brought someone over." I groaned. He nodded leaning over and kissing my forehead before I got out of his van and made my way into the trailer. It was pitch black but I could make out the figure laying on the couch. I quietly made my way to my room, unlocking the window for Eddie. I changed into an over sized t-shirt and some loose workout shorts. I picked up my room some knowing he didn't care if it was messy. It wasn't long when I heard his tap on my window before opening it and climbing in.
"If your mom home?" He whispered as he came up behind me. I nodded facing him after I finished braiding my hair to sleep in.
"She's passed out on the couch," I rolled my eyes but was confused when he gave a worried look, "what?"
"Layla, that's where she was when I was hear this morning." He informed me. I felt the panic begin to rise into my chest. It wasn't the first time something like this had happen but it worried me every time. I quickly rushed out of my room with Eddie close behind. I flipped her over feeling her pulse, finally seeing the vomit mixed with blood. It was faint, but there.
"We gotta get her to a hospital," I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes as I threw on my docs and found her car keys, "we can take her car!"
I saw Eddie pick her up and waited for me to open the door. I did so and helped him get her into the back of the car. I peeled out of the spot driving to the ER, hoping that I'd get there there in time. I felt tears fall down my cheeks but I remained calm to get us there alive. As we pulled in Eddie and I dragged her in.
"Please! My mom needs help!" I could hear my voice break as people rushed to her and got her on a gurney. It all seemed like a blur but all I could hear was "we have to get her into the back! I don't feel a pulse!"
It felt like a haze. I stood there just looking as the doors that they took her back into. My eyes clouded with tears. I had forgotten that Eddie was even there till he stood in front of me, pulling me into his chest. Normally I was alone when this happen. I sobbed into his chest.
"I know she's not the best mom, but she's always made sure I have what I need to live. I can't loose her Eddie." I felt my knees buckle under me as Eddie made sure to hold me. He ended up carrying me out to the car setting me down on the trunk of the car just holding me. Once I finally calmed down, we went back into the waiting room and waited for what felt like hours.
I had drifted to sleep with my head in Eddie's lap. I didn't even realize till the doctor came out to talk to us. I sat up, eagerly waiting to find out if my mom had made it.
"Your mom is in critical condition, but she's alone." The doctor explained. I nodded as I listened, he explained that they had to pump her stomach and it seemed like it might of been a suicide attempt. I felt sick to my stomach. I knew she was struggling, but I didn't know it way that bad. After letting us know that he recommended she go to rehab and that they would have to keep her till she was all healed up, he disappeared to wherever he was needed next. We sat there for a moment just in silence. I felt Eddie's hand begin to rub small circles on my lower back.
"Why don't we go see her, sweetheart?" He suggested. All I could do was nod. My mind raced how I felt as I was to blame. I should Of made sure she was okay sooner. Would it if made a difference? Would it of made it to where she would be awake right now so I could ask her? Eddie made sure to take care of everything. Once we were in her room, I went in just looking at her. She hadn't fully regained color in her face. She had a tube down her throat to help her breath. I stood at the end of the bed, watching her chest rise and fall, while the heart monitor beeped steadily. We didn't stay very long. It was hard to see her like that.
The drive back to the trailer, I watched as we drove by the trees in a blur. Eddie reached over, giving my thigh a reassuring squeeze. I looked over being met with his soft smile. I gave a sad, small smile and held his hand. I was glad he was there with me. I don't know if I could of gone through this alone again.
"Let's go to the diner and get some breakfast." He suggested. Before I could answer, we were pulling into the parking got and he parked the car. All I could do was look out the windshield at the neon lit dinner.

After we ate we went to my trailer. Eddie helped me pack up some clothes so I could stay with him and Wayne. I couldn't stay in my trailer but I would have to come back and clean. Eddie and I were silent the majority of the time. I definitely was not going to school since it was already 6am. Once we got to Eddies, I immediately went to his room and flopped down on his bed. I felt his bed dip down next me to as he pulled me into his chest. I let out a heavy sigh, feeling my body relax. This week was going to be rough I could already tell.

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