Rock sesh

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His van smelt of leather, cigarettes, weed, and cheap cologne. It wasn't a terrible thing honestly. I made sure to give him directions to our small trailer which ended up not being far from where he lived with his uncle.
"Shit I'm shocked you haven't heard me blasting music." I laughed as I unlocked the front door swinging it open to the nearly empty place.
"I was wondering who it was but could never fully figure it out." Eddie chuckles. I flipped on a few lights and got myself a cup of water to cure my cotton mouth.
"Do you want something to drink?" I looked in the fridge to see if we had anything, " I have ummmmmm beer and um beer." I looked back after grabbing one for myself.
"I mean im not driving anywhere." He shrugged and walked over. I handed him the cold beer after taking the top off.
"Here you go sir." I smiled and took a swig of mine. I went back to the couch and plopped down. I could feel Eddie's eyes following me.
"So we really have gotten to know eachother in such a short time." He walked over and sat on the other side of the couch. I nodded looking over to see him watching me.
"You can take a picture," I smiled, " it'll last longer." He quickly looked away looking around the trailer.
"You guys don't have much up." He stated looking at the plain, white walls of the trailer.
"Yeah, mom didn't really want to bring stuff from the past." I sighed remembering all that was left, "Okay no more sappy shit," I sniffled and got up and found my tapes and put in one of my kiss tapes and found 'I was made for lovin' you' .  I could tell he was watching. I finished my beer and began singing and dancing.

I looked over to see him smiling and tapping his foot. "Oh come on! I know you know this! Come dance!" I smiled and continued to dance.
"Okay okay you got me!" He put his hands up in defeat. I watched as he took another drink of his beer and began to belt out the lyrics with me and dancing around my living room. We did this for probably an hour till we both fell on the couch breathing heavily laughing at ourselves. He was closer this time. I could feel him next to me.
"You're staring again Eddie" I looked over with flushed cheeks at the man I had gotten to know in such a short time.
"I'm sorry , you just shock me." Eddie smiled kindly at me with rosy cheeks. " I should probably get going home, but I will see you tomorrow!" He got up and finished his probably now warm beer.
"Oh before I head out!" Eddie stuck his head back into the trailer, "do you want a ride to school tomorrow?"
I smiled and nodded, " I would really appreciate that, Eddie."
"Awesome! Then tomorrow morning!" He said as he left and walked to his trailer. I cleaned up after up and sauntered to my room that was still filled with boxes. "I'll deal with those later," I turned and nearly nose dived into the bed, "bed time."

The next morning I woke up more refreshed than anything. I knew my mom would be asleep either in the bathroom or her room by this time. I quickly changed into some cut up jeans and my poison t that I can cut the sleeves off of. I had on a cute lace bra that didn't look like a bra so I could get away with it. I figured today I would be able to wear my battle vest and show it off to the guys. I threw it on and slipped on my black converse. I was hopping around on one foot with a piece of toast in my mouth when I heard , who I can only assume, was Eddie in his van.
"Oh shit shit shit." I managed to get on my shoe and and grabbed my bag that I left on the couch last night. I quickly ran out the door not bothering to lock it since my mom was there. Coming out I saw Eddie drumming on his steering wheel listening to what sounded like Metallica. His eyes lit up when he saw me walk out. I ran over to his van and quickly got into the passenger seat.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Eddie teased as I scrunched my hair a little to help it get some more volume.
"Good morning yourself," I smiled and finished my piece of toast. The ride to school was fun as we got to sing along to some of our favorite songs. Pulling in I saw Jason staring as Eddie and I hopped out of his van. I adjusted my vest and followed Eddie into the school.
"Look who showed up!" Dustin yelled as he ran over to us. "Did you guys plan showing up together or ?" He trailed off looking between Eddie and I.  "Oh Cherry and I live in the same trailer park so we figured she could just ride with me instead of having to walk." Eddie informed them as we walked to the others.
"Oh hey! You guys just missed us talking about the campaign tonight!" Mike smiled at all of us. "Oh shit! That right I totally forgot!" Eddie turned to me and looked apologetic, " Do you mind waiting till after hellfire club? If you want to walk home and get home earlier that is completely fine."
"I don't mind waiting. I mean it's not like I have anything better to do." I shrugged and looked at all the guys who looked shocked. "Yo Eddie? What's going on?" I looked over at him to see him turning a slight shade of pink.
"I had made a rule that it wasn't a girls club," he covered his face with his hand, "but you seem like you can handle yourself when it comes to any guys."  As if right on cue, Jason walked up with a few of his guys. I noticed Dustin looking at one of the guys in the back who looked close to his age. 'Strange,' I was pulled from my thought when Jason began to spout off about how I embarrassed him yesterday. I stared at him blankly when something hit me, " I'm so sorry I literally can't focus when I have to look at ," I motioned to his face and grimaced, "that." I heard Eddie snicker from beside and the guys behind me.
Jason looked like he was going to blow a fuse. "You made your bed when you walked into the school." He growled.
"Bite me." I let the small glint come to my eye as I let my bag go to the floor. "Woah Cherry!" Eddie finally stepped in seeing what I was ready to do. "Now he can't hit him. That would be child abuse."  He was holding my shoulders facing me. The corner of my mouth turned up as I tried to hide my giggling. "Fair point." I could feel his rings against my skin. They were cool and felt nice against my warm shoulder.
'His hands are soft,' I began to let my mind think, "why am I thinking about how soft his hands are?' I shook the thoughts away to be met with Dustin and mike telling me it's not worth it. I hadn't been there very long and yet I had already made friends and quite a few enemies.

The bell rand and I quickly grabbed my bag from the floor. "Okay guys I'll see you all at lunch!" I smiled and waved as I walked away. I could of sworn I heard the guys say something along the lines of him staring too long as I walked away. I didn't mind it, I liked the attention. The day seemed to go by quickly as I barely payed attention in class. I was never big on school in the first place. My mind wandered as I day dreamed about the day before. Spending all day with Eddie, drinking, laughing. It was something like out of a movie. I wasn't use to being like this.

Lunch finally came around and I made my way to the cafeteria. I passed Jason and his goons, taking notice of the kid that the guys were staring at earlier. Jason made a comment, but I ignored it continuing to my destination. Finally making it there, Eddie and Garret, were the only ones sitting there at the moment.
"Hey Cherry?" Garret looked at me as I sat down.
"Yeah what's up?" I looked at him from my spot next to Eddie, who was sitting at the head of the table again.
"What made you want to come and sit with us? People think we are.....weird." He questioned as I chuckled at his question.
"Well, I'm not exactly the coolest kid in school here." I smiled over at him and glanced over at Eddie. "I mean, I'm sitting here in a band t with people who are actually nice to me."
"So you would much rather hang out with Eddie 'the freak' Munson, rather than try to find people who are cool?" Eddie looked over. I realized he was actually eating something today which is good.
"Yes I, Layla 'Cherry' Herds, would much rather hang with you guys than try to be friends with the cool kids." I smiled at the both of them as the other guys began to show up and sit down. Throughout lunch we all chatted and I got to learn a bit about DND. It was fun till Jason decided to open his big mouth.
"Hey freaks! Just cause you got some girl hanging out with you doesn't make you any less weird." He yelled over to our table. I noticed Eddie getting frustrated, as well as the rest of the guys. "Hey guys, ignore him. He's trying to get a rise out of you." I smiled as they all turned their attention to me.
"It's just hard considering, our friend Lucas joined them." I saw Dustin's face fall as he said this.
"I was meaning to ask, is he the one that you guys were looking at this morning when they all came over?" I turned my attention over to the boys that both nodded. I didn't push too much just cause I hadn't been there very long.
That day went by in a blur as I was mostly excited to watch the guys play.

"You really don't have to come," Eddie told me as we walked to the room they used for their game.
"Eddie really it's fine." I smiled up at him, " Besides I'm excited to watch it."
We got to the room and I helped them set up. I sat off to the side so that way I wasn't in the way of the guys. The hour seemed to go by quickly as I was drawn in by the story.
"Okay next week!" Eddie stood up and began to gather his stuff, "we are going to be getting to the end of this campaign."
I stood and helped all the guys put everything back together. The end of the night, Eddie drove us back home, it was a comfortable silence. "Hey Eddie," I looked over as we pulled up to my trailer, "thank you for including me."
"Anytime Cherry." He smiled at me causing my heart to flutter, " See you tomorrow."
I closed his door and walked into my trailer to see my mom passed out on our couch already. I sighed and decided I might as well clean up a bit before going to bed.

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