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That night Eddie ended up staying over at my place. My mom was asleep by the time we got home so we just were quiet as we snuck to my room. The next morning I woke up before Eddie as usual. He was softly snoring with his hair in a loose braid that I did before we went to bed. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me softly. Today was the day my mom left to rehab.
"Eddie, baby." I lightly placed soft kisses on his bare chest, admiring his tattoos. My fingers lightly tracing them.
"Sweetheart, that tickles." Eddie smiled, even though his eyes were still closed. His arms tightened around me as he pulled me to him.
"We gotta get up and help my mom get her stuff for rehab." I nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his soft scent. It helped me stay calm with all of this going on. The more I thought about it, I began to feel sad. I know this is what's best for her. I hadn't noticed the tears that began to fall down my cheeks.
"Baby," Eddie spoke softly, cupping my cheek, " hey it's going to be okay. I'll be with you the whole time. I promise."
His gently wiped my tears, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Eddie gently rubbed my back helping me calm down. His legs tangled with mine as we laid in bed for another 30 minutes before getting up for the day. We both ran around the trailer helping my mom get all the stuff she would need.
"Okay now Eddie," my mom sat him down and stared at him sternly, "you take good care of Cherry, okay?" 
Eddie nodded, " Yes, ma'am."
I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that he looked scared of my mom.
"And you missy," she turned, pointing to me, " you be good to him. Don't give him too hard of a time."
"Yes, ma'am." I smiled, looking between her and Eddie. She walked over giving me a big hug causing both of us to start crying.
"It's going to be okay," she sniffled. We both jumped when we felt arms wrap around us. Eddie smiled down and kissed the top of my head. We stayed pokey his for a little while till we heard a knock on the door.
"Okay sweet peas, let's get this show on the road." My mom smiled, wiping my tear stained cheeks.
It didn't take long for us to get everything loaded into the van. It was hard to say goodbye, even if it was for a few months. Eddie and I sat in the front of the trailer for about 10 minutes before going back in. Eddie held me as I sobbed into his chest. I had never been without my mom. There had been nights that she wasn't home but I knew she would be there.
"I'm always going to be here, sweetheart." He rubbed small of my back to comfort me. I know he would.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months while she was gone. I then got the call that I dreaded.
"What do you mean she just up and left?!" I screamed into the phone, pacing in the kitchen. Eddie was at practice but I had work that day so I made it home earlier than he did.
"Okay, thank you. I will call if she shows up here. Yes of course." The phone hung up on the other line as I sat there gripping till my knuckles turned white. How could she do this? What made her go off the deep end yet again? I could feel the tears begin to fall.
"Shit." I cussed under my breath, putting the phone back on the receiver and going to the front porch. Eddie would be back soon but I needed air. I walked down the way to Eddie and Wayne's trailer. I felt guilty but I felt like I was falling apart. Knocking on the door, I could hear Wayne stumbling around the trailer, obvious that I woke him up.
"Who the hell-" Wayne started before seeing the look on my face, "what did he do?"
I could help but let out a chuckle, shaking my head at his question.
"Eddie didn't do anything," my face became somber, "my mom took off. They can't fine her."
It all came out in sobs as my knees buckled under me. Wayne might be older but he was quick. He caught me and helped me down gently as I held onto him sobbing.
"How could she?" I couldn't help it as I sobbed.
"Shhh I know, darling." Wayne tried to calm me down the best he could. We finally sat quietly on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
"Wayne, why do I feel like it's my fault? Like I should of known and just locked her away." I had cried for so long, my eyes burned but I couldn't cry anymore.
"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart. Sometimes people just can't kick it. She just happens to be one, but you can't blame yourself." Wayne rubbed my back as I let out a sigh.
You could hear Eddie's van from miles away. Wayne and I both looked over as he pulled up to my trailer before looking over to see us sitting on the porch. His face sunk as he saw mine.
"Baby," Eddie came running over, crouching infront of me, "what happen?"
"My mom took off, Ed's. I think she took off for good." I sighed. Eddie quickly scooped me up setting me into his lap as he took my spot. His arms felt like home.

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