Your Poison

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Hello!! Real quick! I know that the Sony I am going to choose is from 1989 so it technically hasn't come out yet! But for the sake of the story I'm gonna use it lol!
That weekend Eddie had a concert.
"I really want you to come, baby." Eddie pulled his shirt over his head. I held the blanket to my chest covering myself.
"If I'm going then I need a shower and to go get some new clothes." I giggled and found a shirt next to the bed to pull on.
"I can do that!" I was presented with his bright smile as I pulled the shirt over myself. 
"I can set you out a towel and go sneak into your house and grab you something." He ran around his room like a madman as he found me a towel. Eddie handed it to me and gave me a tender kiss before heading out of his trailer. I decided to jump in the shower and clean the sweat and sex off my body before going to see Eddie play.
When I stepped out of the shower I saw a small pile of clothes sitting on the toilet. 'How did he slip in here?' I chuckled and dried off before pulling on the ripped jeans that he brought me and my own Def Leopard shirt that I cropped. Eddie was pretty good at picking an outfit. I walked to his room seeing him sitting on his bed. When he looked up he just stopped.
"You okay there?" I giggled as he just nodded to me.
"You are gorgeous." He got up towering over me before pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips as he pressed his forehead against mine. Eddie's face scrunched in confusion.
"Did you use my hair products?" He leaned in smelling me. I nodded pulling away and wrapping my hair up so it would dry.
"I like when you smell like me." He smirked as he went over to his dresser. I grabbed his cigarettes and lit one as I finished getting ready.
"Hey baby could you help me put this on?" I came around the corner seeing Eddie holding up eyeliner. I giggled and nodded coming over to help him.
"Here sit on the bed," I sat him down and leaned one of my knees on the bed, positioning my other between his legs, "now you need to sit still or I'm gonna poke your eye." Eddie hummed, letting me draw around his eyes. I chewed on my lip as I focused. Once I finished I let go of Eddie's face smiling at my handy work. I felt his hands grab my ass pulling me in again.
"Eddie," I leaned down pecking his lips, "we gotta leave."
Eddie hummed letting me go so we could get going.  We double checked everything and made sure that he had everything for the show.

We got to the small bar that they were playing at tonight and I helped Eddie unload his van.
"Hey if I wanted to pull you up there to sing, would you?" Eddie asked out of the blue catching me off guard. I took a moment to think before I finally landed on an answer.
"I think it would be fun." I continued to help him unload the van. Gareth and Jeff had shown up and began to help taking the stuff in. Eddie and jeff had gone in to start setting everything up while Gareth and I were planning on taking the last few things in.
"So I take it he finally confessed?" Gareth smiled over at me. I blushed nodding and picking up a few things.
"I'm really glad!" He came over giving me a big hug. "He has had a crush on you since the first day." I couldn't help but laugh since he had told me just that.
"Yeah he told me." I laughed as we walked into the bar. I took the stuff over to Eddie, seeing him smile as I sauntered over. He pulled me in, giving me a sweet kiss. When he finally let me go I went over to the bar saying hi to the bartender that I had gotten to know due to my mom. She was one of the sweetest people I had gotten to know.
"You want a beer?" She asked pulling me out one.
"Could I get another for Eddie also?" I asked leaning against the bar. She nodded getting me another as I found my little bit of cash.
"Here ya go!" I slid her the money, "keep the change." I grabbed the bottles and went back over to Eddie, setting it where he would be standing.
"For me?" He smiled as they began to finish setting up. I nodded giving him a peck on the cheek. I took a sat on the small stage where the guys ran around. They began sound check and I decided to move over to the bar to chat with the bartender. I filled her in on everything that had happen the last few days. After a few minutes 'Corroded Coffin' began to play.  I watched in awe as they were just themselves. Eddie completely transforming into this god. I got up deciding to get closer as a few drunks came over to watch. I smiled up at him as I finished up my beer. They were about half way through when Eddie spoke into the mic.
"So before we continue and finish up," Eddie looked down at where I was standing with my look of confusion, "I would like to have my gorgeous girlfriend come up and sing."
My eyes widened, not actually expecting him to have me come up. Eddie held his hand out to me and I took it going up on the stage. A few more people had joined hearing this.
"Okay sweetheart, what song do you want to sing?" Eddie asked me quietly. I took a moment to figure out what song I knew all the words to so that way I didn't make a complete fool of myself.
"Poison by Alice cooper." I smiled up at Eddie earning a nod. He let the others know and before I knew it they were playing. I was so nervous. I felt Eddie come over motioning for me to look at him. I looked up, he nodded letting me know it was okay. We started earning a few cheers from the small crown we gathered. I started to feel myself loosen up as I began to dance around looking at Eddie. I watched as his eyes watched my every move. By the end of the song the crowd had doubled. I was now sweaty and breathing heavily. Eddie came over giving me a deep kiss with my body pressed as close as we could get with his guitar between us. When we parted he whispered to me, "I have a feeling we are going to be using those chains when we get back to my place." My eyes widen, smacking him in the arm. He smacked my ass as I got off the stage.
"On that gorgeous note," Eddie spoke into the mic, "that will be the end. You guys have a wonderful night!"
I went back over to the bar getting another beer. As the crowd dispersed Eddie came over, hugging me from behind. "That was amazing!" He told me as we rocked back and forth.
"I didn't expect you to actually have me come up." I giggled.
"Oh I knew exactly what I was doing," his head dipped down into the crook of my neck, nipping at the soft skin. It was going to be a great end to the weekend.

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