Just the beginning

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One step closer to graduation. Eddie and I sat in his room as we studied for our finals.
"I just don't understand it!" Eddie flopped down on the bed next to where I was laying.
"We got this! We can pass this!" I chuckled. We both needed a break from the headache of studying.
"We just have to pass this and we are home free baby! We will officially be graduating." I looked over at him with a smile, scooting closer to lay on his chest.
"I know it's just so much. I want to pass. Not only for me, but for us. For our future." Eddie pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head.
"I know and you will pass." I couldn't help but feel like he was doubting himself.
"This week, in hellfire we have the big finally. I know you have to work but I'll be home by the time you do." He sighed. He wanted me to be there but since my mom dipped out things had changed. I had to work more to keep myself afloat. Eddie wanted to help but I couldn't take money from him and Wayne. They were already letting me invade the trailer since I had to sell mine.
"That sounds good, I can pick up pizza on the way home too and we can have a movie night!" I smiled sitting up to collect all of our study materials.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Driving up, there weren't supposed to be cop cars outside. I felt my heart stop seeing Wayne talking to the cops.
"Ma'am," a cop pulled me from my trance, "you can't be here. This is a crime scene."
"I - I live here." I quickly scrambled out of my car, running to Wayne. My mind was fuzzy as I saw the white shoes sticking out from the tarp.
"What happen?" I looked between the officer and Wayne.
"Sweetheart, let's go over here." Wayne ushered me away from the chaos.
"Wayne, where's Eddie?" The tears hadn't stopped.
"We don't know but I do know that he didn't do this,"
"Do what Wayne?!" I was nearly screaming at him.
"Layla, Chrissy is dead. I found her in the trailer when I came home to pick up something." Wayne spoke calmly. My mind swirled, Eddie couldn't do it. He cared about her just as much as I did. We were all friends.
"We have to talk to then, sweet girl. Tell them and help them know it wasn't him." Wayne had helped me through my mom. Now I needed to help him. Walking back over I saw a flash of red. Brushing it off I went to give a statement. It was agonizing. Everyone assumed he killed her. My sweet boy, my Eddie.
They put us up in a hotel, luckily giving us separate rooms, but I couldn't sleep. I needed to find him. Pacing I tried to calm my mind, thinking where he might be. He had to have his van, so where could he of driven?
Our spot.
The spot we spent out anniversary at. It was a long shot, but it was a shot. I slipped a note under Wayne's door so he didn't worry. He had already lost one kid.
Driving felt like it took years. When I finally got there, I saw it. His van. He was here. I parked my car a little bit away, making sure no one was around. I couldn't live with myself if I led them to him. Making my way up I could hear small movements. I knew I should of been slower but I needed to see him. Needed to know he was okay.
"Eddie? Baby it me please open up!" I knocked on the back praying he was alive. He opened the back doors so fast I almost didn't have time to react. His face covered in sweat and tears. He looked so scared.
"Layla," Eddie's voice rasped as I pulled him close feeling tears fall down my own cheeks.
"Let's get in the van." I quickly ushered him in, closing the doors behind us. Eddie was shaking, trying to make himself as small as possible.
"Eddie, tell me what happen." I sat infront of him, looking at a man I didn't recognize.
"You won't believe me," Eddie sniffled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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