Chapter 5 💫

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I haven't found a pack yet, none of them are available but I really can't just wait until I'm 18 for me to get kicked out I would be embarrassed because my father is the head Alpha, and it's embarrassing enough for him to have an Omega son.

Even though no one knows about my existence, I've already packed my stuff in a duffel bag I have what's necessary, clothes and food. I stole them from the kitchen no one knew that and they weren't checking the kitchen to see if stuff was taken or anything and in my opinion, if they did that it would be stupid because why would anyone do that.

I have a plan on running away I'm doing it tonight I don't think that anyone would notice me is gone but even if they did it wouldn't matter to anyone on this hell hole.

(A few hours later)

Ok so the time has come I lied I don't really have a plan well kind of I plan on staying in the woods for a while until I can find a pack that can take me for who I am and because I've already gone through my first heat people can smell that I'm an Omega and because I'm not mated I don't really have protection enough because I don't have an Alpha to protect me.

Everyone is downstairs so right now I have the perfect chance I'm not saying goodbye to anyone they have all treated me like shit I used to be a mama's boy but not anymore if you ask me I would have preferred for my father to kick me out 4 years ago when I was still young but unfortunately that didn't happen.

This is going to be the first time that I actually change into my wolf I know it's going to be painful but I'll have to get used to the change.

I feel goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck stands up if that makes sense I put a piece of old clothing inside my mouth because I know that it going to hurt really bad and that ill probably scream from the pain.

 I concentrate enough until I feel my bones crack and I scream its obviously muffled by the piece of clothing that I put in my mouth I feel my bones turn into how a wolf bones and how there shaped soon enough my tattoos are gone and I have a lot of fur covering me before I transformed I left my window open for me to jump out my window actually faced the forest so it would be easier for me to escape and get out of the Styles territory.

I throw my duffel bag out through my window and then jump out myself luckily I land pretty well due to the distance because my room is on the second floor I grab the duffel bag with my mouth and then I put it in my back move a little to make sure it won't fall soon enough I start running to the forest as I'm running I feel adrenaline shoot through my veins and it incurred me to run faster and so I did but then I heard people calling out my name more especially me so-called "Father" I don't even turn around with all the adrenaline that I have right now I would care less about anyone.

Finally, I reached the middle of the forest so I turn back into my human form panting because of how much I ran I packed a map in my bag to know where I am and to make sure I don't go into the dangerous packs that I've already marked red just in case I even get close to those packs.

According to what I've to know I'm in the Grimshaws pack people said that the people here are accepting but by the looks that people are giving me right now I don't think that is the case So I grab my duffel bag and change into my wolf form it doesn't hurt like the first time but it's still a little painful.

As I'm going to start running to the border to get out of the pack's territory someone grabs my tail and to tell you that was the most painful thing in the world would be an understatement it feels like something is getting ripped out of your body when I turn around to attack whoever dared to even grab me I mean I know I'm in a territory that's not mine but I was leaving anyway.

I turn around and right after I turn around I am met with a pair of the ugliest person I've ever seen as I'm about to attack once again I am surprised by the person letting me go I sniff the air and notice that the person standing right in front of me is in fact an Alpha so my omega imminently summits and lays down (WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING) the Alpha brings his hand down to touch my fur he pats my head and says "Well aren't you a pretty one" my omega whines feeling a bit happy.

"Look at this thing a I've never thought that ill met one they're legendary I'll do anything to keep one" he murmurs with the ugliest smirk I've ever seen I still heard him my omega got mad at that and started growling at him. (FINALLY)

"Oh sorry little one I didn't mean to scare you," he says with that ugly smirk on his face.

"My name is Nick...Nick Grimshaw and you mine now" and that's the last thing I heard before he grabbed a bat and knocked me out.

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