After school

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Ally's POV

School just finished and I am happy but also relived. Me and the girls swapped phone numbers at lunch so we could always contact each other. 

Trish: want to hang out tonight Ally?

Ally: can't I have to meet my dad at his shop

Kiera: your dad owns a shop?

Carrie: what shop?

Ally: the music store near the food court

Trish: the famous one?

Kiera: my dad visits there 

Ally: who's your dad?

Kiera: Jimmy Starr 

Ally: oh 

Carrie: we could meet up with you after or some other time

Ally: yeah 

Trish: see you later

Ally: bye girls

I made my way to my locker and grabbed my stuff and then started to walk home well to the music store.

End of POV

Austin's POV

School just finished and I am happy that it is over anyway I ran out of school and ran away from Brooke I couldn't stand her she kept going on about this new girl I went to the music store that is near the food court. Mr Dawson treats me like his own son because I am a regular customer.

*At the music store*

I walked through the double doors and I saw Mr Dawson by the trumpets I walked up to him and gave him a smile he smiled back.

Austin: hi Mr Dawson

Mr Dawson: hi Austin how was school?

Austin: tiring

Mr Dawson: but if you get good grades you will get a good job just like my daughter

I didn't know he had a child.

Austin: have you got the guitar?

Mr Dawson: I have but it is upstairs let me go get it

Mr Dawson walked upstairs to me the guitar that I had paid for but could only pick up today then I heard footsteps behind me I saw a brown haired girl a bit shorter than me standing behind me.

???: can I help you?

Austin: no 

???: oh umm okay

The girl shrugged her shoulders and picked up her bag and headed upstairs as well and then Mr Dawson came down with my guitar I smiled.

Austin: thank you

Mr Dawson: anytime 

Austin: I better go home

???: dad where is my songbook?

The girl came to the balcony and in the light she looked beautiful I had to snap myself out of my thoughts before I got caught staring.

Mr Dawson: on the piano 

???: thanks 

Austin: I better go home to do my homework

Mr Dawson: okay 

I picked up the guitar and my school bag and walked home.

End of POV

Ally's POV

I walked in my dads' music shop and saw a blonde boy around my age waiting so I asked if I could help him he replied no so I shrugged it off thinking my dad had already helped him so I walked upstairs to the practise room and got my homework out and my songbook to write a song. 

The door to the practise room opened and in walked my dad he smiled.

Mr Dawson: how was school?

Ally: it was fine I made 3 friends already

Mr Dawson: that's great

Ally: yeah 

Mr Dawson: how are you finding the lessons?

Ally: fine 

Mr Dawson: I am glad that you are happy at this school could I meet your friends one day?

Ally: yeah but can I ask who was that blonde boy?

Mr Dawson: oh he is just a regular customer who likes to come in and look at the intrusments and he sometimes buys some he is a nice boy I think he goes to your school.

Ally: okay 

Mr. Dawson: maybe you two could be friends?

Ally: I don't know I didn't see him at school today

Mr Dawson: alright do you need help with homework?

Ally: I have nearly done so no thank you dad

Mr Dawson: okay I will be downstairs if you need me

Ally: okay

My dad walked out of the practise room and walked downstairs back to his store while I carried on doing my homework it was easy and by the time I was done my dad was nearly closing the shop up.

End of POV

Austin's POV

I got home and put the new gutiar under my bed and got started on my homework which is difficult but I got through it then I called Dez over to discuss what he knows today since he didn't hang near me today.

Dez: hey mate

Austin: hey

Dez: why did you call?

Austin: since you didn't hang out with us I was wondering what did you know from school today?

Dez: well there was a new girl in a few of our lessons 

Austin: really?

Dez: yeah 

Austin: I must've been somewhere else because I didn't see her

Dez: also Brooke was glaring at her a lot 

Austin: oh no that isn't good 

Dez: yeah so she will be her new target because this new girl is pretty 

Austin: I have just seen a pretty girl in that music store I always go to

Dez: really?

Austin: yeah and Mr Dawson said he had a daughter and it was the same girl who asked if she could help me 

Dez: don't tell me you like this mystery girl 

Austin: I don't know I mean I have Brooke but you know how I feel about that now and remeber last time I tried to break up with her she wouldn't let me 

Dez: play it safe and stay with Brooke or she will hurt this mystery girl and I am pretty sure you wouldn't want that

Austin: no I don't want Brooke to hurt anyone especially innocent people 

We carried on talking till night came and then Dez left and I got ready for bed and put my phone on charge and then got in bed and turned my light off and fell asleep but instead of dreaming of music or Brooke I dreamt of that mystery girl. 

End of POV

Ally's POV

Me and dad just got home and it was pretty late so I walked straight to my room and put my phone on charge and got ready for bed then I put my hair in a ponytail then got into bed and turned my light off and fell asleep.

End of POV

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