The next day

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Austin's POV

I woke up in a different room to my own then I remebered what had happened yesterday and I got changed into the clothes that were provided for me last night which I am grateful for I got made the bed and walked out of the room and I heard footsteps from downstairs I saw Mr Dawson doing breakfast he saw me and smiled.

Mr Dawson: morning Austin

Austin: morning Mr Dawson

Mr Dawson: thank you for being here for Ally

Austin: no problem sir 

Mr Dawson: she won't tell me what happened 

Austin: just boyfriend problems but he won't be her boyfriend by the end of today 

Mr Dawson: I wish my daughter would date someone like you

Austin: that's nice of you to say sir 

Mr Dawson: *smiles* I better go to the store would you tell Ally that when she wakes up

Austin: sure

Mr Dawson walked out of the house and then I heard footsteps from upstairs coming down the stairs and I saw Ally all dressed and her hair done perfectly and she sat in front of me and smiled.

Austin: your dad has gone to the store

Ally: okay

Austin: are you sure you are ready for today?

Ally: yes I want him our of my life if he has cheated on me with Brooke who else has he cheated on me with?

Austin: alright let's go

We both walked to school.

*At school*

People were surprised to see me and Ally walking by each other sides because we are from two different groups as they would put it but we shrugged them off we walked in through the school doors to see Elliot and Brooke talking or more like flirting they saw us and glared.

Brooke: Austin why are you with this rat!

Elliot: babe why are you with him you know I don't like him

Austin: shut it both of you

Ally: we know your secret

Brooke: what secret?

Elliot: we have no secret

Austin: shut it I saw you two at the park yesterday and you two went to the secleuded area and you two started flirting and also started dissing both of us so for that I have had enough Brooke me and you are through you are no longer part of the popular group

Brooke: *gasps* no 

Ally: me and you are over as well Elliot you lied to me and you cheated on me I can't be with someone who hurts others 

Elliot: you can't believe this clown

Ally: he had evidence and even if he didn't I would still believe him because Austin has never lied or hurt me 

Elliiot: ugh I hate you *about to hurt her*

Austin: *stops him*

Ally: stay away from me and my friends and especailly stay away from Austin

Elliot: *rolls eyes*

They both walked away and I felt someone wrap their arms around me I looked and saw it was Ally she smiled and I smiled back but my heart started beating even faster than it normally does when I see Ally.

The first bell rang telling us it's tutor Kiera ran up to Ally and hugged her and then wanting to know what went on and I smiled.

Ally: see you at lunch?

Austin: sure

Ally: *smiles*

Austin: bye

I walked off to find Dez to tell him the good news.

End of POV

Ally's POV

I told Carrie, Trish and Kiera everything of what happened yesterday and they awed at what Austin did for me and they knew that Austin was the new man for me but I don't know when.

Trish: why don't you get highlights in your hair?

Ally: okay sure

Kiera: yes shopping after school

Carrie: I can't come I have a shift 

Trish: it's okay besides your boyfriend might visit you

Ally: that Dez guy isn't he Austin's best friend?

Trish: yeah

Kiera: they are made for each other

Ally: yeah

We had a normal day at school.

End of POV

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