The Next Day

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Ally's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes I smiled and got out of bed and took a shower and washed my hair. Once I came out I quickly dried my hair and straightended my hair with my hair straightners then I got changed into *picture above* I then walked downstairs and my dad smiled.

Mr Dawson: morning sweetheart

Ally: morning dad

Mr Dawson: here is your breakfast 

Ally: thank you

Mr Dawson: is all your homework done?

Ally: yup

Mr Dawson: good now after school I would need help with you doing a shift 

Ally: no problem 

Mr Dawson: you can also borrow my car to take to school until you pass your test

Ally: thanks dad 

I saw the time it was 7:50am it was time for me to go.

Ally: I better go to school 

Mr Dawson: right have fun

Ally: I will

I grabbed my dads keys and grabbed my bag and then I walked out of the house and got into my dads car and then headed to school.

End of POV

Austin's POV

I woke up late again I sighed and got out of bed and took a quick shower and got changed into a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt with a red jacket with a pair of red high tops I messed my hair the way I like it then I walked downstairs to see my parents sitting at the table.

Mimi: late again 

Mark: you better head to school Austin

Austin: I know 

I picked up my school bag and headed to school.

End of POV

*At school*

Ally's POV

I got to school and parked my dads car in car park and then I got out and I walked into the school to see Kiera, Trish and Carrie by the lockers talking away they saw me and smiled I was about to walk up to them when someone grabbed me.

I saw Brooke she glared at me then I heard the doors to the front of the school open and close.

Brooke: if it isn't the new girl?

Ally: what do you want?

Brooke: you had better watch your back

Ally: I have done nothing to you so you shouldn't threaten innocent people

Brooke kept glaring at me like she was trying to see into my soul.

Brooke: listen here Ally I can do what I want I am the queen of this school and you're just a big nothing no one will ever notice you or ever will 

Ally: .....

Brooke: have we gone quiet now dork?

???: leave her alone!!

I looked to the voice and it was Trish with Kiera.

Brooke: oh look you have your two nerd buddies 

Brooke then shoved me to the ground and walked off but she also stood on my bag and she laughed as she walked away I sighed while Trish and Kiera helped me up.

Ally: thank you

Trish: no problem

Kiera: she has no right to do that to you

Ally: why does she pick on the innocent?

Trish: to protect her boyfriend?

Kiera: more like territory 

Trish: Brooke doesn't treat him like an actual boyfriend she more treats him like her property 

Ally: that's sad why doesn't he just break up with her?

Kiera: he tried once and he ended up getting hit 

Ally: poor guy 

Then the bell rang telling us it was tutor.

End of POV

Austin's POV

I snuck in the school and I saw Brooke staring down this brunette she looked familiar and when I got to Dez I saw her face it was the girl from yesterday.

Dez: that's the new girl that is in your lessons

Austin: that's also the girl who I saw at Sonic Boom

Dez: so that's the mystery girl?

Austin: yeah

Dez: well your plan to protect her has gone wrong Brooke is glaring at her and telling her that she is nothing

Austin: *sighs* you have to help me break up with Brooke

Dez: I will but you need the help of those two *points to Kiera and Trish*

I watched as Brooke stood on the brunettes' bag and laughed as she walked up to me and I saw how the two girls that Dez pointed to helped the brunette up and they walked away when the bell rang I ran to my tutor which I am with the brunette.

*In tutor*

I got in tutor and I saw the brunette sitting on her own so I sat in front of her then the girl with black hair and tanned skin sat by her.

???: have you been moved to this tutor

???: yup

???: yay I have a friend in here

???: *smiles*

???: could you tell me more about the students here?

???: well Brooke likes to keep everyone in line as she says so there isn't much to say about them 

???: how did she become this horrible Kiera?

Kiera: we don't know no one knows not even her boyfriend

???: I feel sorry for him if he has to put up with someone like her no one should be treated like a property they should feel loved

I was shocked at what I heard I can't believe people think that I am Brooke's property but in another way I can see it because I don't say no to her because of what happened last time I said no to her.

???: doesn't he know he has a choice and if she is that horrible his friends should back him up 

Kiera: I know but cool groups always follow one leader and in case it's Brooke

???: like lions they follow the alpha male 

Kiera: *nods* 

???: I hope he can break out of that toxic relationship soon because of what you have explained to me he seems like a nice person 

Kiera: he is 

???: *raises eyebrow*

Kiera: me and him use to be friends when were younger but we went our seperate ways when my dad became a famous record prouducer 

???: okay 

Then the teacher walked in and took the register and then the bell rang telling it was our first lesson.

???: what do you have first?

Kiera: I have science what about you?

???: I have music I bet Trish has maths 

Kiera: she will love that 

???: *giggles*

That girl has a beautiful giggle I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and headed to music.

End of POV

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