New Boy

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Ally's POV

It's Monday morning that weekend went by fast I am tired I went bed late because I had to finish touches to my homework for French anyway I got out of bed and took a shower and wore a pair of blue jeans with a pair of brown boots and a white short sleeved top I straightended my hair and made my bed when I came back into my bedroom after I brushed my teeth.

I opened my curtains then I walked downstairs to see that my dad was gone he must have left to open the store early like he does most days I guess I would have to meet him there after school anyway I quickly grabbed a quick breakfast and then made my way to school.

*At school*

I got to school and walked inside I saw Carrie, Kiera and Trish at my locker waiting for me I ran over to them.

Kiera: hey

Ally: hey

Trish: what has got you so happy?

Ally: nothing I just love school

Carrie: even though you're being bullied?

Ally: I guess

Kiera: did you hang out with someone you weren't suppose to?

Ally: maybe

Trish: tell us

Ally: later

Carrie: have you heard there is a new boy

Ally: is there?

Trish: yeah it is going all around the school and people want to know if he will join Brooke and her group of cronies

Ally: *giggles*

Kiera: *smiles*

The bell then rang telling us we have to go to tutor so me and Kiera left for our tutor group.

*In tutor*

We got to tutor and sat in our seats it felt like a really long time while the teacher was taking the register then she called my name.

Teacher: Miss Dawson?

Ally: yes miss

The teacher carried on the register then she stated some notes that we should all know which took a while longer then she got to the main news that everyone wanted to know.

Teacher: so we have a new boy in our year and he's going to be in this tutor group for a while but he might get moved to a different one I hope you welcome him come in....

Then the door opened and in walked a boy around Austin's height maybe a little smaller but he had brown hair with green eyes and he was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans and a pair of trainers.

Teacher: introduce yourself

???: hi my name is Elliot and I hope we can be friends *smiles*

Then Elliot sat down at the front of the class and the teacher started the register then the bell rang again meaning the first lesson his assigned student took Elliot to his classes.

*At lunchtime*

It is now lunchtime and I am walking out of my art lesson when suddenly someone stopped me I turned and saw Elliot he smiled at me I smiled back.

Ally: hi

Elliot: hi 

Ally: what do you need?

Elliot: can I eat lunch with you?

Ally: sure

I texted the girls that I will be with Elliot and they said it was fine me and Elliot walked to the canteen to get our lunches and then we will sit on the field since it is such a nice day.

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