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Ally's POV

I woke up this morning to the sun shining through my curtains I smiled and then I heard my phone ring I looked at the ID and it was Austin so I picked up.

Austin - Bold

Ally - Italics

Hey Ally


I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today

Sure  but what about Brooke?

She is at her grandparents and she couldn't get out of it 


I will meet you at yoour dads music store?

Sure see you then 

*End of phone call*

I hung up and put music on my phone the song that was playing was "part of me by Katy Perry" I then took a shower and washed my hair and when I came out I dried myself and my hair and curled my hair and got changed into a black skirt with a pink top with spaghetti straps I also wore black boots that go to my ankle.

I grabbed a demin jacket and then headed to my dads music store I wonder what Austin wants to do today but I am glad that we get to hang out he is really funny. 

*At the music store*

I got to the store and saw my dad behind the counter.

Mr Dawson: hello sweetheart

Ally: hi dad

Mr Dawson: who are you meeting?

Ally: only Austin he wants to hang out today 

Mr Dawson: have fun 

Ally: *smiles*

Then the doors to the music store opened and in walked Austin with a picnic basket and a yellow rose resting near the handles.

Ally: hi

Austin: hi 

Ally: so a picnic?

Austin: I thought it would be a nice way to get to know each other better

Ally: that's a great idea

Austin: oh and I got you this to symbolise our friendhsip

Ally: I love it Austin thank you

Austin gave me the yellow rose and I gave it to my dad so he could put it in some water and he did then we walked out of the store and headed somewhere.

End of POV

Austin's POV

I am taking Ally to this field it has animals, it's queit and it has trees for us to climb it will be a good day.

*At the field*

We got to the field and Ally was amazed.

Ally: wow I didn't think there was fields here?

Austin: they are just well hidden

Ally: *smiles*

I placed the blanket down and Ally sat down and I followed we got some of the food out and we ate a little then we played some games and asked each other questions and we also played 2 lies and 1 truth it was really fun. Ally laid down and she said she was cloud watching while I got my phone out and played music the song that I chose was "it's me it's you" but I also had the songs "who I am", "don't look down" and "Illusion".

Ally: have you always wanted a career in music?

Austin: yeah 

Ally: we're not so different 

Austin: guess not 

Ally: I like being friends with you Austin you make me laugh

Austin: I like being friends with you too

I looked up when we heard a noise and so did Ally we saw some sheep trying to get to the front of the gate of the next field Ally smiled and took some of our food and walked up to them and gave it to them they made a noise as Ally walked back to me.

Austin: so do you love all animals

Ally: yeah except insects 

Austin: *laughs*

Ally: not funny

Austin: *smiles*

Ally: *smiles back*

Austin: you know I haven't smiled or laughed like this in ages

Ally: really?

Austin: it's true

Ally: well you should more often it brings out the sparkle in your eyes

Austin: *smiles*

Ally: *giggles*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our minds then I saw a large tree with a firm branch so I stood up and Ally looked at me confused.

Ally: what are you doing?

Austin: come on

Ally stood up and she followed me over to the tree and I started to climb it and when I got to the firm branch I helped Ally up and she smiled. We both sat on the branch over looking the different fields with animals in it. 

Ally: wow

Austin: thought you might like it up here

Ally: yeah

Austin: so what kind of movies do you like?

Ally: I don't watch movies much what about you?

Austin: horror

Ally: I don't like horror

End of POV

Ally's POV

Me and Austin are having a good time in this field and we are getting to know each other a lot more but when I looked up to the sky I saw dark clouds slowly coming over so we quickly climbed down the tree and grabbed our stuff and made our way back to my dads music store where we can finish our day of hanging out.

*At the music store*

We walked inside and we sat on the benches and started to talk and when it got to a certain time Austin stood up.

Austin: I had a good day with you we should do it again

Ally: yeah we should 

Austin: bye Ally

Ally: bye 

Austin walked out of the music store and I got to work on helping my dad with the customers and closing up.

End of POV

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