The truth

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Austin's PoV

I'm at the park with some friends when I see Elliot with a girl who isn't Ally so I excuse myself and follow him and I see they are holding hands heading towards a secluded area of the park and when they were alone the girl took her coat and hat off and it was Brooke.

I got my phone out and filmed everything.

Brooke: Austin is such a bore but you are more fun

Elliot: same with Ally she is such a nerd and falls for everything

Brooke: *laughs*

They then started to kiss and when I got enough evidence I ran away from them and the park I then called Ally to meet me at the music store and she agreed.

At the music store

I got there just in time I saw ally behind the counter waiting for me I'm guessing I walked through the door and she smiled.

Austin: I'm so sorry

Ally: what's wrong?

Austin: *shows her video*

Ally: *tears up* how could he?

Austin: he don't deserve you

Ally: I'm such a fool

Austin: you're not

Ally: could you stay at my house tonight?

Austin: am I allowed?

Ally: considering you're my fathers favourite customer I'm guessing you are allowed

Austin: he said that?

Ally: yeah but shh

Austin: *smiles*

Ally: we will break up with both of them tomorrow

Austin: yeah

Ally: thank you Austin

Austin: no problem you asked me to keep an eye on him and I kept my promise

Ally: *smiles*

Austin: do you want Kiera and Trish to know?

Ally: I'll tell them tomorrow

Austin: okay

Ally: why don't we write a song together

Austin: sure

We sat at the piano and started messing with the keys until a melody came to our heads and then all we had to do was give it a title and lyrics and after all that the song became "better together".

Ally: amazing

Austin: cause we worked on it together

Ally: we make a really good team

Austin: of course we do

We carried on talking and then we made it back to her house.

At Ally's house

We got to Ally's house I sat on the sofa and she put in a movie and we watched it with some snacks and drinks but every now and then our phones would go off I checked it the first time it was Brooke but I ignore her and Ally checked her phone and she saw it was Elliot so she ignored him.

Ally snuggled closer to me I wrapped my arm around her and I could tell that she was smiling which made me smile.

After the movie

We talked about what we wanted to do and we wanted to do the same thing be singers/song writers but we also talked about what we will do tomorrow since I'm staying the night here we will walk to school together and then break up with Elliot and Brooke at the same time.

Ally: thanks for being here with me Austin there is no one else I would want by my side other than you

Austin: same here Ally

We played games and everything to keep our minds off the cheaters and liars.

Ally: I knew that he was hiding something from me I thought it would be something threatening but cheating on me is a different level

Austin: I know but how could you tell he was hiding something from you

Ally: we aren't different from certain animals so I picked it up that way

Austin: I see

Ally: no he was just acting shady all the time and I was wondering if he was gonna hurt me

Austin: like abuse?

Ally: yeah but I guess cheating is sort of emotional abuse instead of physical

Austin: yeah well tomorrow you will be free and so will I

We both smiled and I told my parents where I'm staying they said it was fine and so did Ally's dad then we went to sleep cause it was getting late and we wanted an early start tomorrow.

End of POV

Ally's PoV

I can't believe that Elliot would cheat on me but yet my feeling was never wrong so maybe it wasn't wrong about Austin that me and Austin are actually made for each other instead of me and Elliot and him and Brooke.

End of POV

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