Part 13- A Plan

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Rebel woke up just outside the wreck of her plane, laying in the snow. She felt multiple things- adrenaline coursing through her veins, tiredness, fear that everyone else didn't get shot down, and as she tried to move, she noticed something sticking out of her leg- great. She started to consider all her options, and decided to play dead as she heard jets circle above her before one crashed. "Shit," she thought, and closed her eyes while also trying to calm and slow her breathing. 

It didn't take long for footsteps to emerge, but it sounded like someone was running towards her. She kept her eyes closed and breathing slow, when she heard, "Shit shit shit no. No," before feeling the arms of this stranger wrap around her and pull her in close. Hangman- she could smell his stupid cologne. 

"No, no no, Emi, please, come back to me." Hangman said, crying. 

"Relax Bagman Jakey, it's gonna take a lot more than a little crash to kill me off." Rebel responded slowly. 

"Emi?! But- but-" 

"I was playing dead, but then I started to fall asleep. This snow is actually comfortable." 

Hangman chuckled, "You scared me Lane," putting his hand on her face and pulling her in for a kiss. 

Why are you even here?

"What do you mean, I came to see if I could save you." 

"What if I was already dead Jake, what would you have done then?" 


"That's what I thought. You didn't think stupid." 

"Your dad told us not to think." 

"I'm not my father Jake."

"I know that-" Hangman said, helping Rebel up, "Besides, how are we even gonna get out of here?"

"I have a plan." 

"What is this plan?" Hangman said looking at Rebel and seeing a smile form on her face, "No. There's no way that would work." 

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." 

"Then it's gonna work. Cmon, let's go. We don't have all day." Rebel said, starting to walk towards the danger zone in front of them.  

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