Movie with milo

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"No I'm not scared I can totally watch a scary movie,pshh."

He said scratching the back of his neck "oh really?" You said as he nodded "ok then let's watch Friday the 13th tonight.." you said crossing your arms while leaning against the wall.

"Of course...Sounds like a plan... sweetheart." He said with A big lump in his throat but he put on  a grin but he was dying inside

. Meow meoowww "oh hey aggro.. yeah I'll get your food."

You kissed Milo's head and walked over to the pantry to get aggros food. He groaned and put his hand on his face under his breath he went


You heard him and laughed a little bit. He looked at you like you just killed his entire family. You quickly turned back to aggros food. Haha I'm in trouble

"I don't know why your so obsessed with me watching your dumb movies, sweetheart.."

you looked at him raised one eyebrow and said
"Trying to get out of it so soon are we?" You said while pouring water in aggros bowl.

"Get out of it?pshh. No. 0-0 heh heh." He said while dryly chuckling. "Ok then. See ya tonight. 11 O'clock . Sharp." You said as you winked and walked away
He started getting scared

. In his mind I can't let them think I'm some scared ass shit head. Im their fucking boyfriend, they'll tell ash and he'll give me shit about it for the rest of my fucking life.

"Ok ok ok god damn it I'm coming.."

Literally less then 5 minutes later


He said clinging to your arm. "I think it's weird your weirded out about hight- I mean like everyone is taller then you.." 5 seconds later you were laughing hysterically

"Uh. Sweetheartttt I'm not even that short...bitch..😤." He said crossing arms he sat back and pouted. Being the bitch you are you had to treat him like a 5 year old when he got upset

"Awwww my wittle bayyyybiiiiii.." you said while using a baby voice and pinching his cheek. "Did yurr feewings get hwuurrtt🥺🥺..." you said laughing at yourself in your head.

He slapped your hand away. "Don't. Uh. Don't touch me. Your so mean. " he said sliding away from you on the couch. "Awww babiii.." you gave him a kiss and he kissed you back but he still had a pout on his face you laughed and gave in.

"Fine. We can watch your marvel show." You said while laughing. His eyes lit up and he said "really?" Like a five year old when you buy them a happy meal-

"Yes really- but," you said smiling "oh damn it theres a but.." he said ", you have to let me lay my head in your lap- cos I'm probably gonna fall asleep.."

you said moving his hands out of his lap and setting your head there. He chuckled and said "anytime sweetheart, he gave you a soft kiss then one on your head your head and clicked play on the movie.

"I love you sweetheart .." he said as you slowly drifted off to sleep

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