🤎☕Jealous Sister☕🤎

229 5 9

• Swearing
• A Bitch named Latte

Espresso's POV

Im so excited! I'm finally going to sing the song I've been working on and share it with the world! I'll be hosting the concert in this very kingdom, Mom and Dad are coming too! They are gonna so proud of me. I've always been a coffee mage who help students with magic, but singing is one of the hobbies I love the most!

However... There is one person who hates me with all of my being. And that person is my sister Latte, she's always been jealous of my accomplishments and would always tease me but, I know she just doing that to hide her sadness and anger.
"Oh Mint Choco, do you have any idea how exciting I am for this!?" I was shaking him out of delight. This was something I wanted to do since forever! And I have to thank Mint Choco for the singing lessons.

"It's no problem really! This was a big dream of yours and it finally came true." He grabbed his wine and took a sip. Me and Mint where at the bar just chatting and observing Sparkling work. Vampire was just being his drunk self as usual. After another 45 minutes I payed Sparkling and waved Mint goodbye as I walked out the bar to my house.

I got home and opened the door shutting it behind me. That's when my sister burst out of her room and started walking toward me. Last time I check I didn't do anything to her so... why is she mad?
"So I've heard that your performing in a couple of days, such a freak like you shouldn't be wasting other's time by going to your pathetic concert." She laughed. "Well with all the money you got Im surprised that you didn't buy yourself a new personality." I snapped back at her. "Well at least I'm popular among these people unlike you." "Well at least Im likeable!" Every time she insulted me I would always snap back with her own medicine.

"I'm definitely coming to your show... to see your disappointed face when nobody shows up!" She cackled like a witch then went back into her room. Typical Latte, I went to my room and grabbed the paper which had the lyrics to my song. My song name was Guy.Exe
Why would I name my song that? Well I always had a hard time finding the right guy to be in a relationship with so I thought why not turn it into a song?

2 more days until the concert. I already went to Mont Blanc and got my outfit. After that Hollyberry and Clover will be doing my makeup. Just thinking about it makes me excited!
That's when my phone started ringing. It was Mom, I wonder what she needed at this hour considering it was 10pm and she should be asleep with Dad.
So I picked up the phone..

Hello sweetheart! How have you been doing?

I've been doing great Mom, I'm just preparing for the concert.

Oh that's wonderful dear. Me and your Father are so excited to see our Baby boy perform!

Awww Thank you Mom! When are you guys coming to the kingdom?

Tomorrow Afternoon at 2pm. I cannot wait to see you! And son... we both want to let you know that we support you all the way, we are very proud of you...

Oh mom... I love you so much

I love you too sweetheart... I'll be going to bed now. Goodnight Baby..

Goodnight Mom..

End of phone call~

I put my phone on my desk as I got up from my seat to go to bed. As I layed down I kept thinking how much this concert meant to me. This means a lot to me, I've always wished for more cookies to hear my songs! Then I slowly drifted off to sleep...
Around 12am someone went into Espresso's room and destroyed his new outfit and lyrics sheet...
???: Let's see how you like to start from scratch... Hahaha..
The person walked out of the room closing the door quietly without making a sound.

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