So Uh...

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Im very sorry for not posting as much recently...
I'm just very burnt out from writing these chapters, but I will keep my promise and I'll keep posting more chapters soon.

Im currently getting braces so that's also stressing me the fuck out-
So yeah, The Finale Pt.2 will be posted tomorrow on Sunday. I think 🤎The Date...💙 will be posted later tonight or early in the fucking morning. No matter it's gonna be posted either way-

I do have a yt channel named Əsprəşsø
I post edits to help me calm down and focused better

This is an Edit I made for Almond-
(It was 2am ok-)

"Madeline your next Sweetheart!~"
Anyways I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and late uploads D:

A little skit because why not?

Madeline: So your made from Espresso coffee right?

Espresso: Well yeah no shit Madeline...

Madeline: So wouldn't that make you... Hot?~

Espresso: !?

Espresso: 'Yo.. This idiot is corny as fuck bruh..'

Madeline: You good Espresso? Your blushing a lot..~

Espresso: O-Oh shut the fuck up!

Madeline: *Chuckles* Your so cute Essy...


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