Chapter 15: Good times and bad times

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As three months passed, I grew more anxious and resentful of being forced to stay in this stupid hospital bed. I was worried constantly for the safety of my friends and siblings and it was making me crazy. Not to mention I was constantly having nightmares, so that really didn't help either. When the doctors finally released me, I wasted no time getting ready. I went to the bunker I made close to my house and began to build two cryogenic chambers for me and my furry mom. It took me roughly a whole week to complete both of them. In all that time I barely slept or had anything to eat or drink, the only thing that was on my mind was getting my family and friends back.

Jason: Finally, all done.

Sarah: Good job kiddo, but are you sure it's a good idea to bring me along?

Jason: you're most likely the only one she'll listen to, so yes I do believe it's a good idea.

Mom: Alright sweetie, please be safe.

Jason: Don't worry, I've set a reminder to come back in about an hour. So you should be seeing me real soon. Ma, would you please get in.

She nodded as she stepped in and soon I shut the door and set the date. Then I got in and shut the door

Jason: Alright: Set the time for three hundred and two years.

Mom: Got it two hundred and ninety five years.

Jason: W-wait what?!?

Before I could say anything I soon fell asleep.

(Two hundred and ninety five years later)

The cryogenic chamber opened and released me, causing me to fall to the ground with a grunt.

Jason: W-what happened?

I slowly got up and saw a piece of paper on a dusty table.

Jason: Oh yeah, my parents set the timer to a couple years early. What's worse is that the chamber has to reset for a whole day so I can't  immediately get back in.

I heard commotion outside, it sounded like kids playing outside.

Jason: Oh no, I can't let them find out what's going on here.

I quickly changed into my scout mode and went to find out what was going on. I fell a couple times, but I slowly was able to hold myself up and get to top and just in time. When the door opened, I was met by a  young wolf girl and a husky girl.

???: W-who are you?

I looked at both of them and felt like I should remember them but couldn't for some reason.

Jason: My name is Red, mind me asking what you guys are doing here?

???: We were exploring the woods when we found this bunker.

Jason/Red: I don't mean to be rude but this is kinda my bunker and I would appreciate it if you younglings wouldn't go through my stuff.

???: W-we're sorry sir, we just wanted to find something to do. Things have been rough at home and we were simply trying to find a way to distract ourselves.

Jason/Red: Yeah, I totally understand that. Why don't you girls show me around and I'll see what I can do to help entertain you guys for a bit. I promise I won't bite or anything.

???: You'd do something like that for us?

Jason/Red: Sure, I got some time to kill plus I think it would be fun to goof off for a bit.

???: Awesome, my name is Velvela and this is Jenna.

I kept a calm face but was freaking out inside, I knew they looked familiar. Why didn't I think of it  sooner? No matter, I'll do it for old times sake. Jenna was indeed dragged into a lot of shit when we were dating.

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